We have to deal with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly…BUT it is better if we see them as they are!
Prov 8:6-9 Listen to me! For I have important things to
tell you. Everything I say is right, for I speak the truth and detest every
kind of deception. My advice is wholesome. There is nothing devious or crooked
in it. My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with
Once I was golfing with a friend. I knew the golf course, he
did not. He had hit into a valley, so he asked me to stand at the top of the
hill in line with the green so he could aim. I smiled and said ok. He hit a
tremendous shot. As he walked up the hill his eyes began to open wide as he saw
that between me and the green was a large pond. I told him his ball landed
about half way out in the middle. My ball was over to the left on the fairway.
He had thought I had hooked my shot. He looked at me and said "why didn't
you tell me there was a pond between me and the green?" I smiled and said
"You didn't ask!" This is the difference between the message between
Wisdom and the world. Wisdom has no ulterior motives, no hidden agenda.
Notice the words used to describe the difference: Everything I
say is right; I speak the truth; wholesome; plain; clear. Wisdom is what you
see, it is objective, not relative...it is what it is. You either listen and
follow or ignore and reject.
Wisdom compares itself to the world's message: I detest every
kind of deception; Devious; Crooked. The world's message is tailored to lead
each person to an end that appears good, but there is a hidden agenda that is
built on deception.
Based on those facts, it justifies Wisdom's claim that what it
has to share is important. Why? Whatever is not based on Truth, leads to a life
outside the realm of reality. A life that functions in a false reality will
never experience the quality life that God intended and is going to experience
a rude awakening in the end when each person will be confronted with the Truth
by our Maker. Wisdom's goal and desire is to keep our feet firmly planted in
reality so we can walk with our Lord through the good, the bad and the ugly of

Oh...I did let my friend drop another ball and hit again. He
had a better score on that hole than I did.