The difference between
Repentance and Guilt. When I was younger I would have terrible nightmares. My mother started noticing how tired I was and I told her about the nightmares. Then with her motherly wisdom, she challenged me on the movies I was watching. My older brothers had friends over and they watched, “Frankenstein”, “Wolfman” and “The Mummy”. From that time on my mom would counsel me on my movie choices. My nightmares disappeared.
I was trying to handle the problem on my own, my way, using only my resources and wisdom. My mother had the years of life that she could tap - “Don’t watch those movies!” Duh! I now know that, but I wanted both. Watch but not be affected. It does not work that way! In a discussion with a disciple I was asked what is the difference between Guilt and Repentance? I could not let go of that discussion and so I am here. Two names immediately jumped out to me. Peter and Judas. Both failed Christ miserabley, yet their outcomes were so different! Why?
Judas went to himself to deal with it - it led to a rope.
Peter went to the Holy Spirit and turned from his failure to the forgiveness and restoration of Jesus Christ. True Repentence begins with Guilt. Guilt says: “You Blew it!” From there the message changes: Guilt then says via Satan: You are such a phony! What a hypocrite! You’re a LOSER! Stop being a fake and going to church. Stop reading your Bible, you don’t obey!
Repentance then says via the Holy Spirit: This hurts the One that Loves you the most. You know sin will not satisfy you. Turn around Nate and come talk to me. I want to restore Our fellowship. It is never a revelation to God that we blow it! He is never surprised or shocked…just hurting for us that we gave in to the old nature, and sadden that He might have to chastise to teach. I remember that feeling as a parent. Any parent that enjoys chastising their child needs counseling, or jail. They should not have children! However, all parents that love their children chastise them, even though they really do not want to, but because of Love, they know they have to! Many things a child does can damage or even kill them! Crawling on the floor every child wants to touch the weird thing on the wall. You don’t say, “Yes nate, they are fun, put your tongue in it!
If I persist in trying to get to it, because I could figure out pretty quick how to pull the protector off, I am going to have a shocking experience! No parent desires their child to learn that way. It is harder on you to spank your child, but healthier for your child! The So What: When you blow it, do you think God wants to beat you? Or God doesn’t care, because it’s just a small thing? Both answers are wrong! God wants to commune with you about it and help you see the deadliness of sin. Listen to the Spirit, not the flesh. Repentance may taste bad, but it digests well!