We are in a competition…But what is competing for us?

This Proverb sets before us what the goal of our life should
be. God knows that if we can learn from Him what life is really about, we will
have our priorities set, the compass of our life working, our purpose
understood and embraced. This would spell disaster for the enemy and his work
in our lives.
Interestingly, the language used in this Proverb is one very
familiar to human beings. All of us know what it means to compete for a prize,
whether we are competing ourselves or rooting for our favorite team, actor,
athlete, chess player, politician…the list is endless. We understand the
discipline and commitment required.
Here we are admonished in the same language
a coach would use to encourage an athlete to go after that “prize”, “wreath” or “crown”. It
is a good comparison, because there really is a competition for our attention
in this life. The world’s wisdom competes with God’s wisdom. The enemy of our soul knows
that, due to much of what he has to offer, his rewards can be accessed with
little thought, impulsive actions and no prayer needed. He even takes the good
things of this world and perverts them to become self-serving and egotistical.
God loves the arts, He created them, but they were created to add quality to
human life and bring positive affirmations to our hearts. Look what the enemy
has done to the arts. Take any wholesome thing that this world was given by the
Creator and you will see the same outcome. Even in sports, instead of learning
how to master the body and make it perform, we use drugs to take the short cut…just
to win a trophy or a medal that will fade very quickly. Instead of being
content to do our best, we will win at any cost…replacing excellence with results!
We have
to decide which one we will run after, because they are moving in opposite
directions. If you try and travel both paths they will finally split, and
either you will jump to be on one…rarely is it the healthy one, or as you
fight to travel both, it will split you and you will lose yourself! One path is
temporal, one is eternal, the temporal path may give you a crown…but
even that will be a mist in the wind! The eternal path will give you rewards
that remain forever! This Proverb is exhorting us to choose wisely!

The so what? What drives your life?
Have you looked at your goals? How many will die when your body does? Is it
wrong to desire rewards? What would you want people to say about you after you leave
this world? What would you want God to say to you after you leave this world?
Have you chosen a path? If not…a path has chosen you!