How can I handle the roller coaster of life?

To help us connect with His concept of Wisdom, God leads the
writer to speak about wisdom as a person. God is very good at taking spiritual
issues and making them tangible…something we can get our minds around. So
committed to this is He, that He took on flesh to reach us. That is one of the
aspects of the incarnation. So here we have Wisdom in a feminine form, notice
her description:
She guides to delightful
paths, she is satisfying, and she brings life.

So from this Proverb let us consider what our response should
be. Two words are used that clearly bring images of what our response should look

I began following Jesus Christ at 20 and am still pursuing Him
at 60…I
can tell you the difference in my life when I have embraced the Truth He
brought to me, versus the times I was obedient and yielded, yet with resentment
or doing it only because I knew it was what He wanted me to do. Have no doubt,
it is better to obey than sacrifice, however, when I embrace the wisdom He
offered, not only was I obedient, I found joy, contentment, peace, purpose…I
could go on. The point is a quality to my life was added as I experienced
bringing joy to my Lord’s heart and discovering how “wise” His wisdom is! Embracing exposes a holy hunger
to be close to God!

Joy is an abiding contentment no matter the circumstances;
happiness is an emotion, which reacts to circumstance. The picture here is clear.
When we tightly hold on to wisdom, it brings an anchor to our emotions! We are
not “easily”
moved to panic, we have a sense of security no matter the circumstances. What a
gift this is! Even though the world may be crashing around you, wisdom states
that “God
is Sovereign,” “God is in control,” and He will work “all things…even
together for good!

The so what? Do you live proactively
or reactively? How intense are you in your desire to live in Truth? Have you
decided to Embrace God? Are you taking the Data you know about God and applying