New Year 2024: Whose work will you depend on?
Dee and I were blessed to visit Chris, Sheri, and our seven grandchildren just after Christmas. It’s just under 1,300 miles. We drove it in 2 days (Not 30 anymore!) so we could enjoy an extra day with them before school started again.

Great way to start a New Year! Which leads me to leave you with one last thought concerning the New Year:
Consider the word “New”.
Here is a basic dictionary definition for “New”: Recently created; different from one that existed earlier; recently come into existence; being other than the former or old.
Scripture states that God’s Salvation brings a newness to our life.
2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
One of the incredible realities about our Sovereign Lord is His willingness and ability to begin New with anyone who desires to engage with Him. This is true with those who have trusted in Christ and those who have not.
Sadly, some teachers on TV are so sloppy with their words, that they lead many to believe that God loves individuals differently. That is a LIE from Satan! God’s Love is UNCONDITIONAL! He loves the worst sinner and the flawed saint the same.
Obviously, this is going to take me more than one devo to cover.
Let me just start with this: God’s love and accessibility are two different issues. Humans that have become related to God through blood…the Blood of His Son, do have access to His Throne that not all humans have.
Not because they are better or more righteous.
I know, for I know my own dark heart and I am a terrible sinner!
When I became humble enough to face the fact that I cannot please God by my own works – Live Perfect – I saw the clear choice God had given to all of us.
Live in my pride and try to work my way to God, or, Swallow that gross lump of pride in my throat and admit I can only come to Him because of His Love, Grace, and Mercy, which was accomplished by Him sacrificing Himself for me!
He did that for all of us, yet left the decision up to us. Our works, or His Work.
The so what: If you were to describe your connection to God, is the bridge you have to God based on your works…or His Work? What’s the difference? Do you understand there is a BIG difference between existing with God and living with God? God offers Himself as a friend and Someone that will Love you unconditionally! He will change you, but it will be based on Love, not selfishness.