Underestimated Impact!
Priscilla Ann Leigh |
Proverbs 31:27–30
She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from
laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are
many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm
is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Tomorrow will be a very special day in my heart. It’s
May 11, and for everyone it is Mother’s day. However, for me it is my Mother’s
day. On May 11, 1930 my mother was born. I was blessed to know her for a brief
20 years; she went to be with the Lord in my senior year at Bible College.
Every year at this time especially, I miss her, and think about what my family’s
life would be like if she had lived. The impact she would have had on my
children. In this era of worshiping the new trinity…“Me, Myself, and I” …where
that which is outward is viewed as really important, and that which is inward
is ignored, at a time where personal happiness and comfort are the “mantra” and
sacrifice is considered foolish…Motherhood is not held in the honor it
deserves! Let me be clear, I am talking about Motherhood, not getting pregnant
and giving birth – that is not Motherhood, that is a biological function that any
female of most species can do. To consider that Motherhood is like saying a
male that donated his sperm in the act of sex is a “Father.”
Nothing is further from reality. Any dog can impregnate, but a real man invests
and sacrifices his life for his wife and children…that is a Father! So it is with
Motherhood. I freely admit I have no idea the pain of the biological act of
birthing, and having been at the birth of all three of my children, I would
have stopped at one! However the pain of birthing does not compare to the ups
and downs, joys and sufferings, filled hearts and broken hearts that a woman
experiences when she commits to being a Mother. I know…I was an inflictor of
some of that suffering.
My mom was my best friend, I adored my father, he was great,
but I could talk to mom about anything. Every woman needs to understand the impact she can have on this world if she chooses to become a mother, whether by birth or adoption. Mom was raised
in an era where people did not discuss their faith openly, so I did not know
where she stood with the Lord untill the end of her life, however, she still engrafted
in me so many of the values I still have today.
She placed in me a clear “God” consciousness. I had no doubt that a
Creator created me. She talked of Jesus, but again as I said, not real open
about it. She taught me to be a bigot against all bigots – no
matter their color or eye shape! Anyone that thought less of someone else based
on skin color or eye shape had a heart and a mental problem! She taught me to be
honest, even when it will cost me. She taught me to always be very conscious of the
poor and weak in this world, and that showing love to anyone gives me a reward
much more precious than gold. She taught me that money was to use, not to hoard,
that I would "make love" to only one woman in my life, all the rest I would only have
sex with, and that when I make a vow – my character is what is on the line.
My last summer to see her was in 1980; I was home for a visit.
Pop brought me home because he was concerned about her health. She grabbed me
and took me into the bedroom for a private talk. I had come to know the Lord a
few years earlier, and was very transparent about my faith. She told me that
she had at the age 17 gone to an evangelistic tent meeting and there trusted
Christ. She asked, was it possible that she had become a believer but had wandered and that is
why she was now sick? I told her that thoughts like that were a waste of time, because only
God knows why she is sick. The real issue is that God loves her right now and
wants a relationship with her. If she is His, she never stopped being His, if
she has any doubt, it can be settled right now. My mom said she wanted to make
sure and prayed to trust Christ with me right there. Three months later, late
on a Friday night Pop called me to tell me she was gone.
The first funeral I did in my life was my Mom’s.
Emotionally I was spent, but inwardly I had complete joy and peace…as I
walked away from that grave knowing death had lost! None of us ever realize the
impact we make on others! A mother has a special opportunity, and should never
underestimate it. Even some of the last words I ever heard her speak have
impacted my heart till now: Right before I flew back to College, I asked mom, “ I
have prayed for you since the day I became a believer, what made the
difference?” She smiled and said, “Watching you…you are not the same man I raised!” I
did not feel pride…I felt knee trembling fear! Someone is always watching your life…be
careful how you live it. It can make a huge impact!
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Dee & Kids |
God’s grace: I will always miss my mom, yet I will always treasure
the truths God communicated through her. I look forward to seeing her again. As
usual, God in His perfect timing allowed a grace into my life shortly after mom
passed. I met the greatest mother I have ever known…I was already married to her! Shortly after college Dee became a mother and I stood in awe of her love, patience, care and
intentional discipling of my three children. My kids walk with God even now,
committed to God, their spouses, and each other. This is because of the grace
of my God, and the most influential mother I have ever met!
Take time to tell God…and your mom how much you appreciate them
this mother’s day!