Why does God make it so hard to follow Him?

Centuries ago…when I was a young man, I excelled in
math. I had 4.0 in 8th grade math, then they put me in a new class
called “Pre-Algebra” which was nothing more then a repeat of 8th
grade math. I aced it. The next year they had 3 different Algebra classes and I
was put into the “advanced” class due to my grades the year before. Our teacher
would basically post the work on the board and then depart. I failed quickly! I
kept trying to figure out why “Pi” was “Pi?” No one would help me. In my Jr.
year I had become a student that spent more time out of school then in! In my
Sr. year we shipped to Hawaii where I knew that if I did not pass all 7 of my
classes I would have to repeat.
Now my 3rd try at Algebra…but this time I had a teacher that
sat me down and explained “PI” to me. After a month I was still failing…and
when I began making excuses she sat me down and nailed me! It was no longer
that I did not understand the path…it was I was Unwilling to walk it!

The issue is our heart…Jesus shared a clear picture in Matthew:

The So What: Are you confused on what God desires of you? What
are you doing to try and learn? Do you “Make” (You will never “find”)
time to study and meditate on the Scriptures? Have you made a conscious
decision to follow God’s path? Do you think it will just happen, even though you know
you are living with a fallen nature?