Should we ever have a financial crisis?
“Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so.”― Hudson Taylor
For his wife to accomplish what is needed to remain in the USA, they purchased a round-trip ticket to Manila. Also, the Philippine government requires a hotel reservation for quarantine for anyone entering the country. Lastly, a medical clearance must be done at a hospital in Manila.
That is a good chunk of change! So the Sunday before his wife left, having placed all the expenses on credit with a plan to pay back ASAP, unexpectantly, the Pastor at their Church shared the need with the Community of believers. It is a small Church of about 50, yet their gift was $2,700!
They both were so humbled as they compared their need with God's supply. Airfare - $1,700; Hotel - $600, Medical Clearance - $400 = $2,700!
Though concerned for GWM finances, this is why I am not panicked! If God desires to continue to use GWM, He will supply…in His way and in His time! A Truth that most of us hate at first because the natural man loves to walk by sight! God's path is to be walked by Faith, which is not blind, as the skeptics accuse True Christianity of being founded on. Our Faith is based on indisputable evidence of Who God is and how He loves this world! Still, that path is not made for the natural man to travel; it is designed to grow and stretch the spiritual man created by the Holy Spirit when we entered into a relationship with the Eternal God.
As for GWM, you are a part of that supply! God has not sent a lotto ticket to land in my hand, nor for me to discover oil in my backyard while mowing it, so I can finance all that I believe GWM could do. Instead, He has chosen a path that includes the Holy Spirit touching individuals in the Family of God to share from what they have to enable this ministry to continue.
I remember receiving a letter from a dear sister apologizing for only being able to give $25 every six months to the ministry. She was a widow living in a state-funded nursing home! I had much more than her; that $50 a year met so much to me and drove me to do all I can to deserve the trust she placed in our Team, which she was a part of.
Dee and I thank God for Who He is and how He accomplishes His will. We also give thanks for you, our support Team, and look forward to the day when God shows each of you how your participation in GWM changed the eternity of many lives!