Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Don’t fear the world, instead, experience protection from the One that made it!

Probing Proverbs 14:26-27 Those who fear the LORD are secure; He will be a refuge for their children. Fear of the LORD is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape from the snares of death. 

We saw how having a healthy fear of God produces security in this world. Godly fear also brings significant blessings into our lives.  

Refuge: מַחְסֶה  (mahseh) – “shelter”
Fountain: מָקוֹר (maqor) –  “source” & “well”
Escape: סוּר (la-sur) “towards” “change direction”

When I picture God’s “shelter”, I see myself out in a hostile world, empowered by sin and Satan! A scary place…yet I can experience God’s protection. I see His powerful hands “cupping” me, protection both from above and below.

I do not have to travel some great distance or accomplish an amazing feat to access all that God is. All I have to do is remain close to Him and He is my source for “life”! Like being next to a well, all I have to do is open myself to receive the water, it’s right there! 

This “escape” is the healthy kind! It does not mean “getting away with it” or “getting out of responsibility”. When we are guided by God to move towards “right” and change our direction from “wrong”, we escape the price and cost of living in sin. We are all on the journey of life, if we have a compass that is always precise and correct, why ignore it?

Yet, I am amazed at myself when I consider how often I set my own direction, only to regret it later!  Not only is the sin nature sinful…it is stupid! The old man does not seem to possess any common sense when it comes to doing right! He has a tremendous taste for sin and wrong pleasure, yet ignores the reality of the horrible outcome and consequences. Do not think here I am avoiding responsibility, this happens when discussing the two natures that live in every believer. Nathan (me) is responsible for which nature is in control! I can yield to my flesh, and sin, or I can yield to the Holy Spirit and experience victory over my appetites and lusts. 

One important Truth to remember, God’s Grace is balanced by His Love (this includes “tough” love) and His desire to produce maturity in us. At times He will allow us to face the consequences, 

Remember this Truth from Scripture:

“See to it that no one becomes like Esau, an immoral and godless person, who sold his birthright for a single meal. You know that later, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no chance to repent, even though he sought the blessing with tears.” 1

Our flesh deceives us into believing that God will always spare us from the consequences of sin, yet Scripture teaches that God’s love is balanced. It can deliver or it can guide you through a difficult time. Esau learned that lesson the hard way, let us learn from him! When the Holy Spirit convicts, respond right away! Do not require the Lord to use tough love to teach you the lesson! 

The So What: Do you consciously yield to the Holy Spirit at the start of your day? How about throughout your day? He loves fellowshipping with you, open yourself up to His love and care for you. 

1 The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Heb 12:16–17). (1989). Thomas Nelson Publishers.