Friday, March 13, 2020

How can I deal with fear?

Mark 4:37-41

One of my favorite games to play is “trumps.” It is a card game where you make a certain suit the most powerful card. So even if everyone else has an Ace, if you have a two, but it is trump,                                  you are more powerful                                    than the Aces!

I have found that at the foundation of every fear is the “unknown.” Even if you know it is the “Boogeyman” the greater fear that grips you is the unknown of what will happen when you meet him.

This is where we find ourselves today in this world. A virus with unknown consequences, creating an unknown future, which is something that will naturally cause fear. Fear uncontrolled leads to panic and overreaction. It is very human to fear, however, the key is to bring proper balance to that emotion so you can be proactive, instead of reactive. Balance allows you to live through the fear instead of being crushed by it. Balance provides the proper perspective instead of allowing fear to blind you. If you place your hand right in front of your eye, touching the side of your nose, what you see will be unrecognizable! However, extend your arm straight out, you will see your hand clearly. If you keep the fear of the moment the focus of your mind, you will be controlled by it. If, on the other hand, you create some distance between you and that fear, you will see paths through it and many times, even the path beyond it.

How can we do that? We need to “trump” that fear! We will always have the unknown, so we will always be dealing with fear, yet, if we take a moment, we can see the “trump” we possess. Consider our passage, the disciples were in a boat in a storm. That’s a fearful experience. Notice what the Scripture states after they awoke Jesus:

Mark 4:37–41 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

What creates more fear than being in a boat in a storm? Being in a boat with the Living God! They were afraid, and after Jesus told the storm to be quiet…and it obeyed…they were filled with GREAT fear! The Greek for “great” is “mega.” The way to trump the unknown fear is to go to the known God! We can never know all that will happen, but we can always know Who controls it, Who can deal with it and Who desires to go through the unknown with us! God Trump's fear! Be wise, use common sense, take proper precautions, listen to Factual advice, but depend and trust on the God that controls every unknown in the universe!  

The So What: These two Scriptures should be engrafted into your heart:

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge

Matthew 10:28  And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

No matter the circumstances, if you are all right with God…you are all right!

Monday, March 9, 2020

The most Dangerous Virus of all!

No virus should be taken lightly and we should do what we can to protect ourselves. All the viruses in the world have one thing in common…except one. They all are limited to affecting the body only, however, this one virus affects both the body and the soul. Also, every human being is born with this virus, so all are infected. This virus is called “Sin.”

In Eph. 2:1-3,9-12 Paul looks at the effects of sin on the human race, he describes “lostness” from God’s perspective. Consider how God sees the condition of those outside a relationship with Him.

 “Dead” Death means separation, this is a present state, not sometime later!  How many think that death is only after our last breath?

“Walked” This is a lifestyle of sin. We all sin, but this is a life that spends the majority of its time moving from one sin to another.

“According” Here we need to be careful. Satan’s mode of Operandi is not usually overt. He doesn’t need the whole you – just a part of you!

Satan loves to share – that is how he deceives. 666 on your head, killing pigs on an alter and glorifying Satan openly…not too many will follow that. Just one little area…allow it to be his and he has the foothold he wants. 

“Were by nature” No one needs to be taught to sin, this is not something we have to work at, it comes naturally.

“Excluded, strangers” This person is not even in the ballpark! This is what is so dangerous about religion. Religion will pacify the soul. Convince you that you are getting closer to God – while all the time you are moving farther away. Christ’s greatest denouncement was on the most religious!

God is very different; He does not want your wallet, your talents, or your time. He wants you…all of you. When He has you, everything else falls in line.

The So What: Are you seeking to have peace with God through religion? What does “dead” really mean? Is there any area of your life right now that you might be sharing with the enemy? Have you ever offered God to control all of you? That’s the only cure for this virus!