How do we take a moment and make it a lifestyle?

I remember one time when my eldest was 10 and his brother was 5. He
complained and complained that it was unfair that his little brother had only 2
chores to do while he had about 6. This complaining went on until my wife was
beside herself. She asked me to intervene, so I went to prayer. As I sought
counsel from the Lord on what to do, the Spirit brought back to my mind the
principle of Luke 16:10:
“If you are
faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are
dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities."
I then announced that my eldest would be treated as his
younger brother for a week, no greater responsibilities than his brother had.
I, dad, will do all of his chores.
He celebrated quite loudly. While I was doing
the dishes that night, he approached me and said that he was going to go play
with a friend across the street. I said he could not because I did not have the
time to walk him across the street. He reminded me that I had taught him how to
do that 2 years earlier. I then reminded him, he was his younger brother and
was not allowed to cross by himself. Later I went downstairs to vacuum the rug,
all my electronic equipment was turned on. I demanded to know who did this.
My eldest said he did, I said he did not have the right to do that. He reminded
me that I had taught him 2 years
earlier...:) I reminded him he was his younger brother, and was too young to operate my
equipment…by Monday morning he was on his knees begging me to let him be the
eldest again! I had the joy of sharing a great principle from Scripture, when
much is given, much is required. His responsibilities of more chores were the
reason I could trust him with more freedom and privileges. He never compared
himself with his youngest brother again!
We just celebrated Valentines Day, which should lead us to the
question: should this be how I love for only 24 hours or should this be a

Remember, KNOWING something is far different than LIVING
something. The prime example is found in Judges

Obviously the next generation of Israelites did know the
name of their God and had heard the stories of what He had done. They knew
ABOUT God intellectually, but they did not KNOW God experientially! That’s
the power of a “principle” based life! When you experience a Truth principle it is not a mere transfer of
information, i.e. = “Content retention.” Living based on principle still brings
the “content,” however it causes life transformation!
The best way to approach this is to consider our love for the “Author of
love,” our Lord. When we live a life of love for Jesus, even when we blow it
and sin, that lifestyle we developed will bring Holy Spirit conviction in place
to lead us back to a proper fellowship. This principle of love life will apply
across the board with all of our relationships. Paul shares this principle to
the Corinthian Church; we will take excerpts from 2 Cor.
v. 5 For we do not
preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants
for Jesus' sake.
Notice the motive – “For Jesus’ sake!” When
you love someone, your focus is on them, not yourself. This leads to a
servant’s heart. When we do this with the Lord it will overflow to others. We
will love with the compassion of God, based on the conviction about Who God is.
I have experienced both sides of this, when I
am seeking to serve the Lord, my heart also desires to serve my wife, children
and others. However, when my focus becomes fixated on self, I fail to love
everyone in a Christ like manner.
v. 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, that
the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
When our communication is based on the Savior
the natural outflow will be love! No matter the circumstance, if we are
committed to “being like Jesus” we will show love…His love. If we communicate
religion, our good deeds, or even humanistic “warm and fuzzies” in the end that
love will be conditional! Only Christ can supply unconditional love.
v. 8-12 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not despairing;[9] persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down,
but not destroyed;…[11] For we who live are constantly being delivered over to
death for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our
mortal flesh. [12] So death works in us, but life in you.
Sadly we have many “selfs”…well let me say I
know I do! It is important to identify the mindsets so you will yield to the
Spirit to weed them out. Here are a few I have found:
a. False Humble Self = I can't do it.
b. Hypocritical Self = Speak of it but never
experience it.
c. Over Sensitive Self = Carried by emotion.
d. Religious Self = Holier than thou.
v. 16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man
is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. [17] For momentary,
light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all
comparison, [18] while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the
things which are not seen are eternal.
When our concentration is on what is happening
inside…where we meet with the Lover of our soul…it expresses itself on the
outside. Again, I have experienced both sides of this. When I allow outward
circumstances to distract me from my communion with God, it affects every
relationship I have. When I hold sacred my personal time with the Lord, I can
never stray too long because His Spirit convictions my spirit!
We must keep our concentration on what matters
otherwise we end up like the two fire brigades that argue over who has the right
to put out the fire, meanwhile the house burns down!
Meditation: Look at each point and ask
yourself; am I experiencing that kind of walk? If not, what do you need to do
about that? Do you want to experience a principle based walk with the Lord?
What would that look like? What would you need to do to allow God to create