Don’t Let The Facts Get In The Way Of What You Believe!

My title is obviously nonsensical, yet describes the state of
our world today. Individuals are not only willingly ignoring facts, but are
many times adamantly pursuing what they want, no matter what the facts are!
This section of Proverbs describes with precise detail the various behaviors
that individuals have that expose a foolish mentality. As usual this is
compared to the behavior of individuals that desire to live wisely. I want to
focus of the foolish this time, in order that we all will be challenged
concerning our own behavior, while quickly pointing out how those that walk in
wisdom behave.
The wise; meditatively travel the path of life, move with
discernment, avoid evil, and treasure applied knowledge.
The foolish read something in a paper or on social media, hear
something on the radio or TV, and believe it! No investigation needed, and even
if facts to the contrary follow, it makes no difference! They do not measure
their steps, but with arrogance push their belief on everyone. The minute a
fact contradicts their agenda; they do not deal with the issue, they attack the
person that brought forth the fact! They move to enlist others in a plan that
does not deal with the facts, or the truth, instead brings a gang mentality
together to destroy the person they believe is interfering with their agenda.
So gripped by their own agenda, they repeat their lies over and over again…most
times louder and louder, thinking through many words their version of the truth
will prevail.
In my 60+ years I have experienced the huge difference between
agenda driven living and Truth living. So let me share two realities stated in
Scripture that have led me to seek Truth and leave my agenda behind:
Matthew 6:7 “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the
Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their
words again and again.
Even with prayer – the fact is; to enter God’s
throne room you need the Key, many words will not work! So it is with Truth,
saying something over and over does not make it so!
Psalm 37:12–13 The wicked plots against the righteous And gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, For He sees his day is coming.
The fact is, God…in the end…will shed His light of Truth on
everything, then all the agendas in this world will mean nothing…except
perhaps an accusation against those that pushed that agenda.
The So What: When you read, hear or see something on TV, do you just believe it? When facts go against what you believe, how do you deal with that? Do you shut your mouth and listen to the answer to a question you asked, or do you behave the way so many in media and politics do today, continuous interruptions? If someone famous gives their opinion on problems facing this world, how much weight do you give their opinion? Why? Is a “theory” a fact?