Seasons come and go, the race remains the same

Application: What a great statement! Especially in this age of
instantaneous gratification and prosperity preaching where everything happens
right away and just the way we want it. That lie from the pit of hell has
infected the Body of Christ and the fruit of it is Christians that quit;
ministries that are self-serving and a lot of whining from those that are
suppose to be servants of Christ. Sometimes in ministry everything comes easy
and exactly the way we desire it. However, like everything in life – that is
only a season. As Eccl. 3 states...”there is a season for everything” it
is with our walk with the Lord. There is no doubt that Isaiah is true:
Yet those who wait for the Lord,
Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will
run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31
Yet, we must put that into context – this is talking about
our over all life, not every season. There is also a great difference between
spiritual energy versus mental, emotional and physical energy. I have come out
of retreats where I ministered nonstop for several days, spiritually I felt
like I was superman, yet, in every other way I was exhausted. What is so great
about this passage is that it brings the proper balanced attitude we should
carry throughout life, no matter the season. Weary YET pursuing! This must be
our “mantra” if
you please.
To pursue needs to be the heart condition we possess. When the
season is a sweet or an easy one, which, makes pursuing all the more
enjoyable...enjoy! However, when it is a hard season, or one where we just feel
tired and weary, pursuing is what keeps us from losing our focus, compromising
our integrity or just plain old quitting. When we have trained our spirit to
pursue, the flesh will have to follow. Also, we can never underestimate the
part the Holy Spirit will play in carrying us through that season in the
wilderness, but we do know from many scriptures He honors our effort with great
grace. So we need to take this admonition from the life of Gideon.
When God
calls us to a task, even if we become weary, we should continue to pursue Him
and the call He has extended. The outcome will still be in His hands, but we
can sense His pleasure in our faithfulness to Him! The interesting truth about
this is, the more we pursue...the more we sense His pleasure. The more we sense
His pleasure...the greater the desire to pursue becomes. Now that is what I
call “the
circle of life!” One of the greatest pursuers of Christ put it this way:
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the
surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; we are
afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying
about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be
manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:7–10
Questions: What do you do when you feel like quitting? What does that show you?
When you feel exhausted mentally, emotionally or physically, what do you
do? If you feel exhausted
spiritually, what does that say? What is the warning being sent? What does it
take you to quite? What does that say? When you say you can’t take it anymore,
where is the Lord? If you feel pushed beyond what you can take, what does that
show you about yourself? Does God promise to not push us beyond that point?
Where? Are there any conditions to God’s promise? What are they? What are you
doing right now to finish the race well?