Humans cannot explain the unexplainable! Follow the Theology...not the Theologist!

Human beings are funny. So many say, “God is beyond us, and we cannot fully understand Him or His ways!” Then, they spend incredible amounts of time developing human theories to explain the unexplainable!
Theology Defined:
theologia (θεολογία) is a combination of two Greek words: theos (Θεός) “god” and logia (λογία) “utterances, sayings, oracles”.
No one comes to heaven unless God chose them to come, and they chose to believe. To say that God would hold anyone accountable for not doing what He would not allow them to do, shows a complete ignorance of the God of Scriptures.
John 12:32 “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart…
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
Throughout time men have come up with theories to explain how salvation works. Some of these theological theories are treated as “inspired”. Sadly, this will create a terrible hermeneutic, and the point of the text will be missed in favor of making it fit into a man-made theological theory.
A clear example of this is a very abused section of Scripture found in Romans 9. The argument of Romans 9 does not explain how salvation works. It is confronting us arrogant human beings with this Truth: Who do we think we are? If God is God, then He can do whatever He wants, who are we to challenge that?
It is True – God can do what He wants. However, God would never do anything that would deny His Word or His nature.
From Genesis to Revelation, God lays out choices for man, allows him to make those choices, and then holds him accountable for those choices.
The So What: The testimony that God is Sovereign is the fact that only a truly Sovereign Being could place limits on Himself, limiting Himself based on the decisions of a free-will creature that He created. God stops God!...not men. In most cases in Scripture, God allows man to make and pay for his own decisions.