Health Update: Time of Testing
Thank all of you for your prayers for me and requests to know how I am doing. I will attempt to be brief…which if you know me that is difficult!
My neuropathy has really kicked into gear. Feel like I have knee-high socks on all the time. My feet feel like they are buzzing, and I feel like I have 10 “Big” toes.
Even so, God’s grace continues, I have no pain, just weird feelings.
My dizziness has continued, and the brain scan showed that one side of my brain is putting pressure on the other side of the brain. My Dr. friends told me this is called mid-brain shift. Why this happened we do not know, no tumors or visible issues from the CT scan. I am on meds to deal with the dizziness, but my new Blood Pressure medicine causes dizziness!... And the beat goes on!
Here is my request: Ask the Lord to enable me to keep a good spirit and behave like a Christian…which I have failed to do – I can be grouchy when feeling lousy. Your prayers mean a lot. Please lift DD up. I know she is very concerned and trying her best to help me deal with this…I don’t always make it easy. Wish I did not have to admit that, but that is why I needed a Savior, I am a real sinner!
What Do You Want God to Do For You?

I ministered in a city built on a garbage dump. Even though the government built new homes for folks to move into, many would stay in the dump. They desired the money they could make by staying. How can you prosper living in a garbage dump…BIG fish in little pond! They were making money handling the garbage. They would sift through it, take out what they could sell to those that were even worse off. They sold the best garbage to whoever paid the most! We would never do that…or would we?
God desired to lead the Israelites directly, but knew they would desire a human king to rule over them, like other nations had. He also knew these kings would lose sight of Him because, like all of us sinners, most of their wants were derived out of selfishness. So, God gave the future king some parameters to keep his focus heavenward, not here on earth. Sadly, they did not and that should an example to all of us. Even Kings are infected with sin!
We saw the same thing when Jesus walked the earth, people were looking to be fed manna from earth rather than the Bread of Life come down from heaven.
In fact, while Jesus ministered here on earth he often asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” No one responded, “I want to be more like you” or like the Psalmist, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.” No one sought to be taught that it was more blessed to give than receive.
It is not wrong to ask God for “things” because He is our heavenly Father who wants to give generously to His children. He tells us to ask for provisions and our desires. The problem is we ask with wrong motives.
(James 4:3)
In John 5 Jesus encountered a man that had been ill for 38 years!
“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, ‘Do you wish to get well?’”
WHY in the world would Jesus ask this question? It was appropriate if you believe what Jesus knew is true concerning the human heart:
Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?”
The hard reality is that our heart is so warped that even in the worst situation, we may desire to remain there, because to change may require more than we want to pay.
The So What? What is your greatest desire in this life? Are you willing to let God give you what He thinks is best? What is your definition of success? Which perspective dominates your thoughts: Here & Now or Eternal? Make a list and compare, then ask what will matter a billion years from now?