
There was a man who lived on the side of a volcano. It had been relatively quiet since 1857, but began to show signs of eruption in 1980. Scientists began warning residents, and law enforcement began encouraging residents to evacuate. This man refused, claiming he had lived there for decades and did not believe the mountain would blow. Even as earthquakes began to shake the area, this man stubbornly stayed in his home. He told a relative he had stored food and drink in a nearby cave and would leave if an eruption started. When St Helens blew, he, his 39 cats, his home, the cave, and miles of forest and territory were covered in seconds. The time to make a decision was before the event; after, it would be too late.
It was Sunday when several women went to anoint the dead body of Jesus Christ. They encountered an empty tomb and angels appeared to them. The women reported this to the disciples. John and Peter ran to see.
The historical fact of a man named Jesus and that He was crucified has clear evidence, and many books have been written concerning this, and I would encourage you to read them. I desire to deal with what I consider the larger issue.
If you believe you are here because some cosmic gas belched man out at first with a tail, swinging from trees for fun and loving bananas – that is your right. The God I believe in gave you that right!
I believe the Scriptures. I accept that the tomb was empty because Jesus had risen from the dead. What I don’t understand is others' anger about this. If you conclude that I believe a fairy tale, feel sorry for me, not hostility toward me!

I would challenge you with several questions before I depart these thoughts on Easter.
1. What have you personally done to investigate Who Jesus is?
2. If He never existed, then there was no tomb. So how did this lie get started?
3. Why would devout Jews agree to lie about a dead, fake Messiah?
4. If you believe you continue to exist after your body has died, what is your plan for eternity?
5. When it comes to the subject of death, do you avoid it? Can you think about it at night and still sleep in peace?