The Woman in the Womb?

This sad story came to my memory as I watched the leader of my country at a Pro-Abortion rally cross himself, like that shows his compassion for women, yet no one even considers the woman in the womb!
Wait…I hear the screams… “I have a right to control my body!” Amen! I agree. You have the right to have sex or not have sex. But you do not have the right of the body growing inside your body.
Actions have consequences, and it is never right that an innocent person be sacrificed because you regret your actions. This is not regretting you ate that extra piece of pie! There, all we are talking about is calories. In abortion, we are talking about life!

Definition: Something able to function properly and even grow. It is a compound word in Latin “life” & “to be possible.”
So, if a person is honest and refuses to be Agenda Driven - the moment that sperm penetrates that egg...there is a VIABLE LIFE!

Consider this – 1. Only God can say what is a viable life or not. 2. If your excuse is to spare the child from a hard life, we should stop all help to starving nations and let them just die, then they won’t suffer anymore. Sick logic, yea? Look in the mirror. 3. There are loads of people wanting to adopt babies. 4. Government is here to govern laws, not Life! 5. If we apply the same logic in the other direction – old age – two white buildings in Washington D.C. would have a lot of new space immediately!