Probing Proverbs 13:22 Good people leave an inheritance to
their grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly.
A story I once read that left an indelible impression
on me…a frightening one…was about a Pastor that found a stray dog. In a short
time an advertisement was placed in the paper describing the dog. The key
identification was 3 white hairs found on the tail, of this otherwise totally
black dog. At the same time, his three boys had become very attached to the
dog. Sometime later, the owner of the dog heard that this Pastor had a new dog
that he had found.
The man called and asked to visit. The Pastor, in front of
his sons, pulled the 3 white hairs from this dog. When the real owner came, his
confusion was apparent, the dog showed every evidence that this was his owner,
but the Pastor pointed out the lack of 3 white hairs. Watching the owner leave
dismayed, the testimony of this Pastor is: “That day I kept the dog…but lost my
What would you want to leave to your descendants? How sad it is
that so many think the inheritance they need to leave their descendants centers
on material wealth! Consider the volume of stories of children and
grandchildren who received huge wealth from the generation before them, yet due
to a lack of character and wisdom, either the wealth was wasted very quickly or
it destroyed the one that received it, because they had not been given an
inheritance that impacted their thinking and desires, to guide them in how to
handle the wealth they have been given.
This Proverb communicates a simple Truth, and it cuts both
ways. When you live close to God, no matter the material wealth you pass on,
the eternal wealth you pass on will even affect your grandchildren. If you live
far from God, no matter the earthly wealth you leave behind, there is a strong
possibility your children and grandchildren will follow you to the same end…separated
from God forever. Truth is not always comfortable to deal with…but
it is still Truth. Eternal wealth which fulfills every heart and satisfies
every soul lasts forever…Earthly wealth only makes it to the grave!
The So What: Are you investing your life in such a way that it
leaves your children and grandchildren a testimony that produces character? No
matter your wealth, are you taking time with your children to give wisdom on
how to master materials things and not let them master you?