Probing Proverbs: 3:19-23 By wisdom the LORD founded the
earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep
fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky. My child, don’t
lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will
refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. They keep you safe on
your way, and your feet will not stumble.
How true this thought is! We have traded common sense for so
called “science”
that is built on theory, speculation and the assumption that everything in this
universe was caused by some accidental cosmic gas! Good science is from God and
has accomplished much good in this world. Scientific Theory is based on
repeatable data, this means we can test again and again, and from that data
make a conclusion. Science is not supposed to add assumptions and conjectures.
It is a scientific fact that “brand X” soap floats, how do we know that, because
we dropped a bar of that soap into a bucket of water 100 times, and each time
it floated. We cannot recreate the creation of the universe. The origin of the
universe and civilization is based on artifacts, and historical evidence. No
matter which “theory” you choose to believe, an accident or a design, it requires
Is it really that ridiculous to look at the design of all around us, not
to mention all that is in us…just how the human eye works for it “blind faith” to believe there was a designer? Is it
common sense to find a bone and from that bone tell us how it lived, behaved
and died? From a bone? Even when they try to date that bone, no one ever
discusses the “assumptions” that are being supplied, like everything
was lead-free or quite a few assumptions concerning Carbon. I have no problem
if someone wants to remove God from the picture and believe they that
everything “just” happened, believing they are at the top of the animal chain, a
glorified ape; that is their decision, I will respect that and not demean them.
What I don’t understand is why they think it makes no sense that a designer
with wisdom made all there is. Both take faith, and the evidence for a designer
and that humans are a unique creation, no other living thing on this planet
possesses a God consciousness and a moral consciousness, humans alone do, so a
Designer makes perfect sense.
To make sense of our world and our existence we must decide
which path we will live on. If you are nothing more than an accident, then life
is based on luck and fate. It is difficult to sense purpose or destiny on that
path. If, however, you take the path of Devine design, and seek to know the
Designer, your life was on purpose, and Someone greater than you or your
parents wanted you here. When you have purpose and destiny, you can take what
appears to be non-sense, and with help from your Maker, discern where the
common sense is. You will never understand everything…how can the finite
understand the Infinite…still, with His help, you will be able to navigate life and
enjoy what it should be.
When we consider how important wisdom is in our life, we need
to see how God has structured it to be a partnership between His input and our
input. Some try to make wisdom all God and none of us. However, the words paired
in this Proverb demonstrates that partnership. Our common sense must be used,
as God grants us discernment. We are accountable to use the mind God gave us to
learn from the lessons life produces. As we weigh our decision in that light,
we also seek God’s gift of discernment. Those two abilities work together
enabling us to take knowledge, (data) and know how to use it. Yes, there are
times when we are at a loss and God alone supplies all we need, but His norm is
to increase our growth by making us use what we have and then He fills in the
The so what? What do you believe concerning the
existence of the universe? Why? What do you believe about your existence? Why?
Is it possible to you that a Being (God) planned you, working in concert with
your parents? They participated in your creation, yet God was intimately
involved also. What would that reality do to your self worth? Are you willing,
in spite of ridicule from some, to commit yourself to seek “sense” in
this life and then seek God for discernment?