Dreams! In the dictionary it is defined thus: 1) A succession of images or thoughts passing through the mind during sleep. 2) A goal. 3) A wild or vain fancy. 4) Something of unreal beauty or excellence.
The word “Dream” brings different thoughts to many people. Disneyland for a child; Sleep for the security guard working night shift; Prince Charming for a single woman; No more taxes for the business man, even a helicopter for drivers in heavy rush hour traffic. The list can go on, we all have dreams – the kind in our sleep and the kind that move us and give us direction.
The story of Joseph has both kinds in it. The dreams mentioned in the Bible that Joseph has while asleep are very special, because God places them there. The most important dream though that God gives Joseph is while he is wide awake. The dream of accomplishing something great for God with his life. This “dream” is what keeps Joseph going through many dark episodes in his life. How much Joseph understood about what God was doing as it happened is not clear, but in the end Joseph shows us clearly how well he understands:
Genesis 50:19-21 But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am I in God's place? [20] "And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. [21] "So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones." So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.
From a shepherd boy – to a slave – to a convict – to the second most powerful man in the world! What A Dream! Yet more important still is not compromising and taking Potiphar’s wife sexually, even though it cost him his freedom. Not becoming filled with bitterness as the man forgets him in prison he helped free. Not seeking revenge on his brothers for what they had done. To be the man God desired him to be – that was the greatest dream come true.
A Dream that becomes a reality is the best reality there is! That is one of the most difficult things about most dreams. When we wake up we find out that everything was not real. Sometimes we even try to go back to sleep so we can try to get back to that dream.
However, there is one dream that can – if you want it to, just keep getting better. This dream is played out in the realm of reality; it is the same dream that Joseph realized. To become the person God wants you to be. Joseph understood this truth - Mark 8:36 "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” We have the ability to realize the greatest of all dreams, entering into a relationship with the God who made us, living for Him and with Him for all eternity.
This is a dream that we never have to wake up from and it just keeps getting better. This dream begins with the freeing of your soul from the guilt and curse of sin, removes the fear of death, and leads to the very presence of God. Sounds to good to be true? Oh my friend this is the only real truth that matters. When all is said and done, the most important question of life will be – “Where will I spend all of eternity?” This life is truly a vapor that passes far too fast, the existence that follows is timeless and neverchanging. That question can only be answered before death, after death is too late.
God’s Word states that we all are separated from Him because of sin. (Rom 3:23) That the payment for sin is separation from Him for eternity. (Rom 6:23) God is willing to make the payment of sin for us. (Rom 6:23, Eph 2:8-9 Titus 3:5) But this dream is not forced on us. We have to want it and tell God so. If we ask Christ to forgive us, He makes us God’s children, then we – like Joseph – can realize this dream. (John 1:12, Rom 10:8-12)

What is the stuff that dreams are made of? It’s called Grace! A reality that is beyond our imagination, yet at our very fingertips right now. God offers each of us that dream. It is ours for the taking. We can’t earn it, buy it or make it happen for ourselves. Just as we yield to consciousness and fall asleep, allowing our mind to lead us into dreams, this dream must come from a yielding. Yielding our thoughts of trying to save ourselves and earn heaven, yielding to the truth of God’s way of salvation. Jesus did it all, paid the whole price, we can do nothing but accept or reject that offer. If we reject through silence or pride, we will live a nightmare for eternity, as we remain separated from God. If we yield ourselves to the truth, and place our trust in Christ to forgive us and give us eternal life, the dream of eternal fellowship with God becomes a reality! Grab the dream! It was created for you!