New Year 2024: This is the year for WAR!
As I was about to return to Probing Proverbs and the James devotionals, the Lord brought to mind a very vivid memory that produced a thought to ponder as we begin our New Year.
There was a little boy who had a dream on Christmas Eve that he was given a horse. The dream was so real, that when he woke up, he ran downstairs to find the horse. He was told it must have been a dream. The family began opening presents, and there he was surrounded with soooo many gifts, yet he was very upset and refused to be happy!
What a BRAT! Right? I want to agree but I hesitate because I was that Brat! I share this because I can help everyone strategize how to have the best New Year of your life! Understand who your greatest enemy is and take away his power!
No…it is NOT the devil! He is real and very evil, however, if you have trusted Christ, God has empowered you with a new nature, you do not have to listen to Satan or, to my point, your old nature. That is your greatest enemy! The old sin nature that is still in you and will be until death or Rapture.

He is selfish, self-loving, self-serving, and just full of him SELF!
If, you choose the better road, to Seek to live for God’s Kingdom, God will change your heart which will change your perspective. Instead of money, fame, and things, what will now "turn your clock" will be:
Worship: Learning about and from God
Abandon: To give up to the control or influence of another; a thorough yielding to natural impulses. The influence and natural impulse of the new nature is to please God!
Relationships: Family, friends and touching a stranger with love.
I encourage you to try this: I am in the midst of some major health problems. I am dizzy 24/7, they cannot figure why, I have cancer and will meet with my doctor on the 16th to discover how aggressive it is. Physically I am a mess. I chose the poor me route for a while, as usual, it never satisfies! I am now inwardly praising God for His hand on me and looking forward to the future I will have with Him, my family, and my friends.
The so what: Pull out your planner, calendar, or journal and write at the top of it – GOAL #1 for this year: Seek God First! Then put your seat belt on because 2024 will be Amazing!