Life does not have to “just happen,” it can be intentional!

The currents and undertows of life can be treacherous, and if
we are not intentional about how we live we can find ourselves trapped and
treading water! The wisdom found in God's Word is awesome! We have so many
things competing for our attention; if we are not proactive we will easily be
overwhelmed and wandering with no clear direction.

Consider how they map out an intentional path:
“Look” We need to take the time to survey our life, the day and the
moment. See what is before you, consider the various options and take note of
the obstacles.

Luke 9:51 When the days were approaching for His
ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem;
“Mark Out” Now that you have surveyed the terrain, and proactively
committed to see the race through, you need to specifically plan and set goals.
Always remembering that the Lord has the final say. We should never forget that
He alone is Sovereign in our lives, yet, some act as though they need not plan
at all. James speaks directly to this when he states:
James 4:13–15 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we
will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business
and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what
your life will be like tomorrow. You are just
a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do
this or that.”
James is not saying we should not plan, we should, but it
should always be understood that our plans are subject to His plans. So if God
changes ours plans we will adjust and follow His lead. That does not take away
our proactive participation.
“Stay” This is where our spirit unites with the Holy Spirit and God’s
peace takes over our being because we have agreed that no matter the
circumstance, we will remain where God has led us until He leads elsewhere.
This brings a godly calmness to our race! This also moves us from trying to “sprint,”
which will lead to burn out, to pacing ourselves for the marathon. In God’s
eyes our life truly is a “mist”, but in our experience it has some very
long moments…and some are very difficult. Remember, the goal is to finish!
Even if we fall or get off the path for a moment, when the Holy Spirit has confirmed
in us that we want to finish, we will get up from that fall or get back on the
track and finish!

The so what? Do you have any goals for
this year? What are they? If we plan nothing, what should we expect to happen?
Have you counted the cost of finishing the race you are in? How much time
during a day do you spend communing with God? How sensitive are you to the Holy
Spirit, do you know when you have stepped off the path? If you fall, what do
you do and how long does it take you?