The Real Slave Master: Greed
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GateWay Ministries
Nathan & DD Leigh
Ministering to Internationals
Leighs Es: Vol. 350
The Real Slave Master: Greed!
I am a lover of history, can’t read or study enough about it. One of my studies was on the Titanic. There are countless stories about that night; it would be worth your while to read about it yourself. An example of true wisdom involved a very rich man. Records show that there were eleven millionaires on the Titanic. Major A. H. Peuchen was one of the survivors. When interviewed, he said he had left $300,000.00 in money, jewelry, and securities in a box in his cabin. "The money seemed a mockery at that time; I picked up 3 oranges instead."
I had the privilege of speaking at a men’s retreat in PA. They graciously allowed me to bring Dee. She enjoyed getting a lot of reading done. Saturday afternoon we chose to join the tour that went into the coal mine. We spent 2 hours 465 ft below the surface and walked 1½ miles…my cane got a workout!
We also saw a film on the history of coal mining in PA. It was the most sobering experience I have had on human evil and sin since visiting the Holocaust Museum. Several famous men, which I will not name because their descendants should not be painted with the same brush, were responsible for hiring and paying these miners. The amount was a joke! When asked concerning the suffering these men were experiencing, one of the men said: “What suffering, these men cannot even speak English!”
As heinous as that was, the more I meditated on this, the more I saw myself through the eyes of our Holy God.
I am right to hate the sin I saw…but I must be careful about throwing any stones. I am looking through eyes that have experienced regeneration. I have no idea what kind of man I might have become without Christ.
I have seen how, even as a believer, I still gave into certain sins and even had one become an addiction.
The one Truth I can state that I had re-enforced to myself is without intervention by God, i.e., regeneration, man can become a slave to sin in such a way that he loses all of his humanity!
The So What: In this hostile, political environment we are living in now, it might be wise to not bother throwing stones at others. Instead, look in the mirror. If you are like me, you will find plenty of work for the Holy Spirit to do.