Christmas, a time of friendship. How do I choose friends?

Proverbs 12:26 The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked
lead them astray.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were riding across the plains
when off to the west they noticed a cloud of dust. It turned out to be a band
of Indians galloping directly at them. They turned their horses around and
headed east. Pretty soon they saw
another thick cloud of dust in front of them. More Indians.

Realizing they were surrounded the Lone Ranger looked
at Tonto and asked, "What do we do now, Tonto?" Tonto glared back at
him. "What do you mean `we' paleface?"
Obviously, that would not be a good example of friendship!
Still, there is a point, the Tonto in this joke betrays his friend. This
proverb warns us about that. In reality that is what is happening when someone
leads you astray…betrayal!
Let’s consider what “friend” means.
Friend defined:
Regular Dictionary: - A person who you like and enjoy
being with; a person who helps or supports someone or something; a person whom
one knows, likes, and trusts.
Urban Dictionary: People who are aware of how retarded
you are and still manage to be seen in public with you. People who make you laugh
till you pee your pants. People who cry for you when one of your special items disappear.
When you don’t have enough money to get a ice cream, they chip in. They know
all of your Internet passwords. They would never make you cry just to be mean.
this term is also used to describe someone we connected with on the Internet…even though we don’t know them at all!
I find it
important for my own benefit to give important words in my own life a deeper
meaning than just a definition. So when I think of the word “friend” my meaning would be this: "A
person that you know intimately and they want God’s best for you."
When it
comes to friends we need to break that list down into two columns. This Proverb
gives a sobering warning as to why. In both cases there is a friendship basis
that exists.
One friend gives “good” advice that will lead you
toward God.
The other friend gives advice that, if followed, will take you off the

God does
not want us to separate from those that live far from Him, we are the only
light they have! What God expects of us is to use discernment in the influence
that is brought to bear into our lives.
The lack
of this discernment is the cause of much misunderstanding of verses like:
1 Corinthians
15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”
The “Bad Company” needs the good news, if we
separate ourselves from them, who will share that good news. A true friend joins you in the storms of life and remains with you! This verse has to
do with “company” that will influence your life
toward theirs instead of God’s.
The other misunderstanding is that when we separate ourselves from the worldly,
they feel judged and see us as self-righteous.
Be friends
to all, and allow the Holy Spirit and your spiritual community help you discern
which friends are you impacting and which ones are impacting you. I have
friends I like very much, but when it comes to spiritual truth, when they
speak, I listen, however, I do so with the intention of bringing the True Light
into the conservation. Not because I am selling something, but because they are
my friend and I firmly believe the only life there is, is one with Christ!
have other friends that speak truth into my life and the wonderful reality is
that God has given me the measuring rod to make sure the advice leads to Him.
The Scriptures are the standard that all advice can be weighed by. If the
advice goes against the Word, don’t
over react, just mark down that this person is not the one you want to
influence your life at this time. Remember, that may change. I have seen
friends come to a personal relationship with Christ, and soon afterward the
Word of God confirms the spiritual wisdom they share.
friendly…and be
The so what? Do you take time to evaluate your friendships, who is
impacting who, and how? Can you name 1-3 friends that move you toward the Lord?
Can you name 1-3 friends that have confused counsel, so you are praying how you
can help them? Are you willing to have God bring you new friends in 2017, both
that can impact you for good and those you can impact? Are you praying for