Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What’s blocking your vision?

Eph 1:7-19

One of the sad aspects of studying theology is when we become obsessed with issues that only have one real answer…and the only one that knows that answer is the One that works all these things according to His will! In this section we read which plainly states we are adopted in God’s Family, Redeemed from our terminal condition of separation from God due to our sin and given eternal life, and sealed as a guarantee of our eternal future, also uses words that are very difficult to comprehend.

Words like: Predestination, Election, Foreordained, Foreknowledge, Called, Chosen and others…and we can completely miss the wonderful news that is plainly stated because we become obsessed with trying to define something that only God can define! We even create “isms” to try and make our theory appear to be fact!

Too many times we are trying so hard to figure out the forest that we fail to see the tree!

God made plain the facts of how a person can receive eternal life…”For by Grace you are saved, through Faith” is not hard to understand. However, God does not waste one jot or tittle on explaining exactly how His Salvation works.

Two very wise statements and one verse have guided me throughout my time while studying the Scriptures.

First statement: “Whenever we remove the tension that exists in every major Biblical Doctrine, we remove the Divine!” How true! How can a finite mind ever fully understand or explain something that came from an Infinite mind, unless the Infinite mind stated it in a way the finite mind can comprehend. God did that with the question “How can I get saved?” He did not do that with “How does it all work?”

Second statement: “Do not theologize your theory!” That is exactly what the Pharisees did that allowed them to kill the very Messiah they claimed to be waiting for.

Both of these statements are brought into harmony by one Scripture:

Deuteronomy 29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.

God’s Word teaches if you trust in Christ you are one of the elect. If you do not – you are not. Which comes first? Is God Sovereign? Do we have free choice? Both are “Yes!” So does God choose us or do we choose Him? Yes! In heaven will we see three or one? Yes! Please Explain! I can’t…no one can…Except God!

The So What: What is the gospel: These are musts! Believe in God. Understand you are a sinner and that sin separates you from God. Believe that Jesus died to pay for your sin. Believe He was raised 3 days later with the power to forgive you of your sin. Agree that only through this sacrifice alone, no good deeds, no works, no effort on your part, can your sins be forgiven. Tell God all that you believe and place your trust in the sacrifice of Jesus to forgive you and make you a child of God.

That is the TREE…let God take care of the forest!