If it is uncomfortable…I don’t want to think about it!
Probing Proverbs 12:17-19 An honest witness tells
the truth; a false witness tells lies. Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing. Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.
the truth; a false witness tells lies. Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing. Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.
This is from a court record:
Lawyer - Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy,
did you check for a pulse?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: Did you check for breathing?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you
began the autopsy?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
Doctor - A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: Did you check for breathing?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you
began the autopsy?
Doctor - A: No.
Lawyer - Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
Doctor - A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Lawyer - Q: But could the patient have still been alive
Doctor - A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
Doctor - A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
Our words can reveal more about us than we wanted! In this account it reveals in a funny way…in this case a lawyer…that wants his way so badly that he stops using his brain. In the Proverb we are looking at, we encounter a much more serious problem.
There are two kinds of dialogue that come out from us. One: Tells the truth, brings healing and stands the test of time!
The other: Tells lies,
makes cutting remarks and lies are
soon exposed!
Those are the symptoms, but we need to seek what is the “core”
problem, so we can reject the wrong path and remain on the correct path. This
is a major problem I find in this world today. Whether it is, political,
environmental, social or faith issues, most folks are content to try and deal
with only the symptom! That may bring a quick solution to an immediate
discomfort, but it will not resolve the real problem. To really deal with a
problem we must face the source that produces the reality of the problem.
Sadly, due to selfishness, a self driven agenda and an
unwillingness to listen to all points of view, anyone that endeavors to have an
honest dialogue on any issue that is at that time the “flavor” of
the moment, will be devoured by those who demand their way, not really
interested in Truth, just their agenda. The media has become the greatest
conduit, whether deliberately or naively…only God knows the heart…to
be used for the “character assassinations” that take place on a regular basis. Jesus
Christ points to the source that produces the problem:
Jesus stated two interesting truths:
Luke 6:45 A good
person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil
person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say
flows from what is in your heart.
Jesus makes it clear that the source of the problems that
mankind deals with is not what's going on outside, but it's what's going on
inside! I do stand in amazement of how many people I have encountered, read
from, or listen to, that will wax lyrical about how great the “historical
Jesus was, how loving He was, how embracing He was, how nonjudgmental He was,
oh and yes let's not forget, how inclusive He was. Scripture verifies all of
that, yet the minute Christ is quoted or Scriptures are shown that go against
what a particular individual's or group's agenda is, Jesus is easily dismissed!
The agenda is so strong that individuals will not only change
what Christ or the Scriptures state, but they will even try and deny what was
said! God has given every human being the right to disagree and even reject
what He states about Himself in the Scriptures. Yet it seems that human beings
are not willing to “man up” enough to take their stand and just state they just don't
agree. They skirt the issue, deflect the path, or most times begin personal
attacks against the individuals that are simply quoting what Christ or the
Scripture said.
This is why we cannot have an honest dialogue concerning the
deep social divides we have in our world today. We are not committed to take a
stand on what we believe the “Truth” to be, accepting the right of others to
disagree, WITHOUT maligning, attacking, demeaning or even killing them. We are
not mentally mature enough to “agree to disagree” but instead we change
the historical facts and documents from which their beliefs come from, rewrite
history, acting like it will change what the truth is. Our inability or
unwillingness to travel in “Truth” neuters us as a society to embrace an
honest dialogue, giving grace and tolerance to views we disagree with, which
would enable us to live with each other respecting different convictions and
learning to mature as a society. That of course means, in a Republic, where the
majority rules, not everyone is going to get what they want.
For example, I hate abortion, but it is the law. I will
continue to hate it, vote against it, but will not hurt or attack people on the
other side. I will state plainly what I believe abortion to be, I will show the
medical facts of conception and birth, I will refuse to play games with words;
so, like an unborn whale is exactly that, I will refer to an unborn human as
exactly that, not a “fetus” or “unviable tissue,” or some other term that deflects what is
going on. A fertilized Human egg will and can only produce a Human, not
something else. Planned Parenthood is not selling “auto parts”
they are selling “Human” parts! I have ministered to individuals that work for Planned
Parenthood, also many who are pro-abortion, and many that have had abortions. I
share how God loves them and desires to have a relationship with them. However,
if they ask me what I think about abortion, I move the discussion away from my
opinion, which is not very important and can be very biased, and share with
them from what I am convicted is the “standard” of Truth. I show them where the Scripture
speaks about protecting the weak and helpless, where God states that all
children are His, that He knits individuals in the womb, that God knows every
person before they are born, that killing a baby in the womb is the same as
killing an adult according to scripture, and that when the act of conception
takes place…the sperm fertilizing the egg…a “sinner” is created! An “it”
cannot be a sinner, only a human can. What they do with this information is
between them a God, I will continue to love and pray for them, no matter how
much I disagree.
If they push me for my opinion I will share only one thought.
If left alone in the womb, what will that fertilized Human egg come out as? A
Human, nothing else. When does it become Human? No one except God knows how
that works, therefore benefit of the doubt must go to the innocent that it will
cost the most! The woman will be inconvenienced for less than a year; the baby
inside her will lose everything. Even a murderer is innocent until proven guilty
in the USA, how can we not afford a fertilized Human egg that same privilege?
Abortion is judge and executioner at the same time.
Sadly if the media was interviewing me today, I would be under
personal attack in moments. Some would call me a compromiser, because I respect
the law, even though I vehemently disagree with it. Most would call me a woman
hater, a female oppressor, someone that wants to rule over another’s
religious fanatic. Like this Proverb states: “A false witness tells lies. Some people
make cutting remarks.” The truth is I hold an opinion that others don’t
like, but because they are driven by agenda, or just too lazy, instead of
engaging in an honest dialogue, they attack and demean.
One last thing this Proverb states about false words…”but
lies are soon exposed.” As uncomfortable it is to consider, we must all stand before
our Maker and answer for our life. If that does not make you uncomfortable, you
have numbed yourself to reality. I find it uncomfortable! No one knows except
those that have already died, what happens after that. I know what I believe,
but since it is not sight, there is always the “nervousness” of “what if I am wrong?” I firmly believe I
will see Christ immediately after my soul leaves my body, but if I am honest I
must admit that if the Scriptures are not true, if Christ did not come back to
life, I am in for the shock of my existence! Paul even spoke on this. I am
honest enough to admit that! Today’s world though, does everything it can to
drown out the possibility of eternal accountability, it is too