Baptism at Singles Retreat - 147 Baptized!!!

*******************Baptism at Singles Retreat 147 Baptized!!! ***********************

* Sharing times in the Word and looking for growth. Let's Commune Together!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Holiness keeps the “Main Thing” the main thing! Pt 3


Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead

Even to this day my Lord continues to teach me so much through those short 5 months I had with Jun…this is why time for reflection of our life is so important.

My reflection brought me to the conviction that the Christian life should not be predominantly described by what we don’t do anymore. Far too many testimonies consist of a long list of what we don’t do and shared in an almost spiritually arrogant tone! Jun’s life has really confirmed what my heart has been burdened with for years. Jesus came to give us a LIFE, not a List! Yes...we see ourselves moving away from sins that entangle us, but do we see ourselves moving TOWARD anything? Jun was on fire! He was moving at a very fast pace toward God and godliness. His mind was overwhelmed with what was most important to God and he grasped that while still struggling with minor sins in his life. Wait a minute - your saying that there are “minor” sins? Yes! When compared to other sins it can be.

Complacency, unwillingness to make time to be used by God, or lack of burden and concern for the lost…all of these are much more damaging to the Body than the sins, that entangle our flesh. (Bad though they are) 

Let’s reverse my point in the paragraphs above to show you what I mean – No, I do not study the Bible with intensity to know what I believe, I let the Pastor or teacher do that for me...But I don’t smoke. No, I have never tried to start a Bible Study - But I don’t smoke.  No, I have not tried to lead anyone to Christ...But I don’t smoke. I do not know if many people would say that I have made an impact in their thoughts about Christ...But I don’t smoke.

Let’s remember folks that the Pharisees had a list and looked on the surface real good - but they killed the Prince of life. We cannot afford the Christian life to sound like a doctor’s prescription. “A don’t list and 3 services a week and you will be fine”! Those around us, who are separated from God and facing an eternity of separation, those that are missing life in Christ cannot afford us to live like that.

The So What: What happens if you run looking behind you? BOOM! You won’t see what’s coming, you will trip or crash. Looking forward is the way to run your race. Seeing the opportunities the Lord sends and experiencing real growth!