Baptism at Singles Retreat - 147 Baptized!!!

*******************Baptism at Singles Retreat 147 Baptized!!! ***********************

* Sharing times in the Word and looking for growth. Let's Commune Together!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The 45-year accident?

Song of Solomon 2:15 “Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.”

Saturday, I woke up and my left eye was all red and a little sore. As the day went on, the pain increased, and it became quite uncomfortable.

By Sunday, both Dee and I were at a loss for what was causing this. Dee had examined my eye several times and could find nothing in it. I had rinsed the eye several times – nothing was helping. We both know I react to pollen…but never only one eye. I called quite a few optometrists, but most could not see me until August! I did get one that could see me today, Friday. On Wednesday, at prayer meeting, I shared, and a sister gave me a very high recommendation. I called in the morning, and the nurse asked if she could call me back in 5 minutes, and when she did, I was given a 2:30 appt. that day! God is good! 

Long story short – 45 years ago, while playing with my 3 month-old firstborn, his little fingernail scratched my eye. Our doctor then told us it would heal, and it did, but it left a scar. Which became a time bomb.

For 45 years, when I opened my eyes after being closed all night, my eyelid scratched that scar. Finally, on Saturday morning, some of the scar tissue broke free and scratched a line through my iris. I am now on 2 drops every 2 hours and one jell at night. I will see the Dr. on Monday.

I called my son and told him the story. He said he was glad it was now over. He said he deliberately scratched my eye at 3 months old and has been hiding it all these decades! We laughed! Thankfully, Chris got his mother’s looks, but I am glad he got my sense of humor.

The So What: The reason we need an intimate walk with God, talking to Him about everything in our life…even the “little” hurts and sins in our life, is because they can resurface and wreak havoc in our life.

Monday, April 1, 2024


The tale of the Tomb

There was a man who lived on the side of a volcano. It had been relatively quiet since 1857, but began to show signs of eruption in 1980. Scientists began warning residents, and law enforcement began encouraging residents to evacuate. This man refused, claiming he had lived there for decades and did not believe the mountain would blow. Even as earthquakes began to shake the area, this man stubbornly stayed in his home. He told a relative he had stored food and drink in a nearby cave and would leave if an eruption started. When St Helens blew, he, his 39 cats, his home, the cave, and miles of forest and territory were covered in seconds. The time to make a decision was before the event; after, it would be too late.

It was Sunday when several women went to anoint the dead body of Jesus Christ. They encountered an empty tomb and angels appeared to them. The women reported this to the disciples. John and Peter ran to see. 

The historical fact of a man named Jesus and that He was crucified has clear evidence, and many books have been written concerning this, and I would encourage you to read them. I desire to deal with what I consider the larger issue.

If you believe you are here because some cosmic gas belched man out at first with a tail, swinging from trees for fun and loving bananas – that is your right. The God I believe in gave you that right! 

I believe the Scriptures. I accept that the tomb was empty because Jesus had risen from the dead. What I don’t understand is others' anger about this. If you conclude that I believe a fairy tale, feel sorry for me, not hostility toward me!

I would challenge you with several questions before I depart these thoughts on Easter. 

1.    What have you personally done to investigate Who Jesus is? 

2.    If He never existed, then there was no tomb. So how did this lie get started?

3.    Why would devout Jews agree to lie about a dead, fake Messiah?

4.    If you believe you continue to exist after your body has died, what is your plan for eternity?

5.    When it comes to the subject of death, do you avoid it? Can you think about it at night and still sleep in peace? 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter 2024: Convicted by the Rooster


I left my fishing business, my home, and most of my friends, to follow Him.
Luke 5:8–11 – I saw Him heal my mother in-law. Luke 4:38-39 - I was with Him when Moses and Elijah appeared to Him. Matthew 17:1-3 - When He asked Who do we think He is, I was the one that said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:15–16 - When they came to arrest Him, I was the one that pulled my sword and tried to stop it! John 18:10

Why would He say I would deny Him?

Matthew 26:31–35…Jesus said… “You will all fall away because of Me this night” …But Peter said to Him, “Even though all may fall away…I will never fall away.” Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you that this very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.”

One of the individuals who questioned Peter if he was with Christ was a relative of the man who had his ear cut off by Peter. If any of us are honest, when we consider how Peter could deny Jesus time and time again on that Friday, we need only look in the mirror! Our flesh is weak, and when our lives are on the line, our flesh will never stand the test!

When that rooster crowed, Peter’s heart was crushed. Failure to keep his promise – convicted! Failure to control his fear – convicted!

I did not walk with Jesus in the flesh, but He has walked with me for 40+ years since He forgave my sins and made me a child of God.

I also have failed many times! If it were up to Satan and my flesh, the guilt would have eaten me up and, at one point, almost did.

Thanks be to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit that entered me the moment I trusted Christ as my Savior!

He sealed me, adopted me, regenerated me, placed me into the Body of Christ, and is willing to fill and control me when ever I am willing to yield to His lead!

A wonderful new life has been offered to all of mankind from a horrible death, if we will only ask for it.

Sadly, most of our country's leaders and citizens have believed the enemy's lie. This is now Spring Break. How terribly tragic!

A break in the season will never satisfy a soul thirsting for a relationship with its Creator and an understanding of the wonderful destiny and life offered by the One that Loves so much that sacrificing the ultimate to supply a bridge for us to Him was worth it in His mind!
What a God! That is what makes this GOOD Friday!  

Friday, March 29, 2024

 Easter 2024: The Night Before

Matthew 26:20 Now, when evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples.

It was Thursday night. He had walked with them, taught them, ate with them, and slept with them for three years.

They had witnessed His power…Power like they had never seen! There was nothing He could not do if He decided to do it! No food, He could make some! No boat, no problem, He would just walk on top of the water! Dangerous storm, He would just Hush it! They had no idea that His greatest Powerful work was just ahead. Power to deny self. Power to deny instinct. Power to conquer death. Power to pay a complete price for everyone’s sin…even though He Himself had no sin. Power to defeat Satan, the grave and death! Power and Authority to offer eternal life to any that would accept it.

I will discuss all of this in the coming days, but I want to stop at “deny self and instinct” today.

Jesus is the Godman, fully God and fully human. How does that work? If I could explain, I would be God. I believe what He claimed about Himself.

Being human, He possessed an ego and an instinct to survive. He did the opposite. For us

As He shared that last meal with His disciples, He knew exactly what was going to happen that night, into the early morning, and ending on a Cross.

Philippians 2:5–8…Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Please take some moments today to ponder this Truth. All other gods in this world require you to give to them. Jesus, the Godman, has given all that He was for you, yet will not force this gift on you! You can choose to live with Him or separate from Him. He is not offering you a destination; He is offering you a life—one filled with His love, grace, and mercy. He will guide and lead you into a full experience of Life.
You will still be you, as He enables you to break free from the sin nature that controls all of us. When you do fail, He will help you seek restoration in fellowship and growth in maturity.

Let this be the last Easter that is about chocolate and bunnies! Let it be about a new life and a new You!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The difference between Repentance and Guilt.


The difference between

Repentance and Guilt.

When I was younger I would have terrible nightmares. My mother started noticing how tired I was and I told her about the nightmares. Then with her motherly wisdom, she challenged me on the movies I was watching. My older brothers had friends over and they watched, “Frankenstein”, “Wolfman” and “The Mummy”. From that time on my mom would counsel me on my movie choices. My nightmares disappeared.

I was trying to handle the problem on my own, my way, using only my resources and wisdom. My mother had the years of life that she could tap - “Don’t watch those movies!” Duh! I now know that, but I wanted both. Watch but not be affected. It does not work that way!
In a discussion with a disciple I was asked what is the difference between Guilt and Repentance? I could not let go of that discussion and so I am here.
Two names immediately jumped out to me. Peter and Judas.
Both failed Christ miserabley, yet their outcomes were so different! Why?
Judas went to himself to deal with it - it led to a rope.

Peter went to the Holy Spirit and turned from his failure to the forgiveness and restoration of Jesus Christ.
True Repentence begins with Guilt. Guilt says: “You Blew it!” From there the message changes:
Guilt then says via Satan: You are such a phony! What a hypocrite! You’re a LOSER! Stop being a fake and going to church. Stop reading your Bible, you don’t obey!
Repentance then says via the Holy Spirit: This hurts the One that Loves you the most. You know sin will not satisfy you. Turn around Nate and come talk to me. I want to restore Our fellowship.
It is never a revelation to God that we blow it! He is never surprised or shocked…just hurting for us that we gave in to the old nature, and sadden that He might have to chastise to teach.
I remember that feeling as a parent. Any parent that enjoys chastising their child needs counseling, or jail. They should not have children! However, all parents that love their children chastise them, even though they really do not want to, but because of Love, they know they have to! Many things a child does can damage or even kill them!

Crawling on the floor every child wants to touch the weird thing on the wall. You don’t say, “Yes nate, they are fun, put your tongue in it!
If I persist in trying to get to it, because I could figure out pretty quick how to pull the protector off, I am going to have a shocking experience! No parent desires their child to learn that way. It is harder on you to spank your child, but healthier for your child!
The So What: When you blow it, do you think God wants to beat you? Or God doesn’t care, because it’s just a small thing? Both answers are wrong! God wants to commune with you about it and help you see the deadliness of sin. Listen to the Spirit, not the flesh. Repentance may taste bad, but it digests well! 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Which Bridge will you take in 2024?

An older man gets pulled over for speeding by a police officer. The officer comes to the window, sees the age of the man, and is shocked. “He should know better,” he thinks to himself. He says, “Sir do you realize you were going 100 mph in a 25 mph school zone!? The older man says, “Officer, it wasn’t my fault! I am driving a vehicle with a 440 engine in it!”

Probing Proverbs 15:3 The LORD is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.

Notice the way it is stated: “The evil” and “The good”. Almost like they are living beings. They are not, but both have a life of their own. Everything “good” is rooted in the Person of God. Evil is rooted in independence of God and rejection of His standards.

When sin entered the world, it infected our entire nature. Each one of us possesses a sin nature that strives to do its own thing, and it is very contagious! That is why we have the phrase “mob mentality”.
In one way, the illustration I shared has partial truth in it. If that man possessed only a sin nature, he was at its mercy and had to speed. However, God also instilled in every one of us the freedom to choose! Otherwise, how could a Just and Righteous God hold us accountable if we had no choice?
“Choice” is a bridge, we can use it to do evil, or we can bridge to God’s power, Trust in His plan and receive a new nature, that desires to obey and live free from sin. That offer was accomplished by Christ over 2000 years ago. Every human being has the knowledge of the Creator in his heart. What he or she chooses to do with that is left up to them.
God was not interested in robots to live with Him. He created very intricate and complicated beings that can choose and grow. The enemy tries to deceive us into spending all our time trying to figure out an Infinite Being with our finite mind!

Why not try this: It will require Trusting Belief (Faith). Accept that you are here and besides a fertilized egg that cooked for months then was born, you don’t really know how you got here. Believe (faith) that you were designed and planned by Someone greater than mom & dad. Let’s call that person God. Ask God to open your heart to Truth. Then ask yourself this question:
If I created a being that rejected me, but I still wanted to have a relationship with that person, if that person also wanted it, How would I give them that opportunity?
The So What: You, and only you alone can make this choice. Doing nothing is a choice. Making excuses is a choice. Putting it off is a choice. God is waiting for you to make a choice, Choose Wisely.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

New Year 2024: This is the year for WAR!


As I was about to return to Probing Proverbs and the James devotionals, the Lord brought to mind a very vivid memory that produced a thought to ponder as we begin our New Year.

Matthew 6:28–34 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field…if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you…don’t worry about…‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

There was a little boy who had a dream on Christmas Eve that he was given a horse. The dream was so real, that when he woke up, he ran downstairs to find the horse. He was told it must have been a dream. The family began opening presents, and there he was surrounded with soooo many gifts, yet he was very upset and refused to be happy!

What a BRAT! Right? I want to agree but I hesitate because I was that Brat! I share this because I can help everyone strategize how to have the best New Year of your life! Understand who your greatest enemy is and take away his power!
No…it is NOT the devil! He is real and very evil, however, if you have trusted Christ, God has empowered you with a new nature, you do not have to listen to Satan or, to my point, your old nature. That is your greatest enemy! The old sin nature that is still in you and will be until death or Rapture.

He is selfish, self-loving, self-serving, and just full of him SELF!

If, you choose the better road, to Seek to live for God’s Kingdom, God will change your heart which will change your perspective. Instead of money, fame, and things, what will now "turn your clock" will be:

Worship: Learning about and from God

Abandon: To give up to the control or influence of another; a thorough yielding to natural impulses. The influence and natural impulse of the new nature is to please God!
Relationships: Family, friends and touching a stranger with love.  
I encourage you to try this: I am in the midst of some major health problems. I am dizzy 24/7, they cannot figure why, I have cancer and will meet with my doctor on the 16th to discover how aggressive it is. Physically I am a mess. I chose the poor me route for a while, as usual, it never satisfies! I am now inwardly praising God for His hand on me and looking forward to the future I will have with Him, my family, and my friends.  

The so what: Pull out your planner, calendar, or journal and write at the top of it – GOAL #1 for this year: Seek God First! Then put your seat belt on because 2024 will be Amazing! 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Year 2024: Whose work will you depend on?

Dee and I were blessed to visit Chris, Sheri, and our seven grandchildren just after Christmas. It’s just under 1,300 miles. We drove it in 2 days (Not 30 anymore!) so we could enjoy an extra day with them before school started again. 

On the morning we left, my granddaughter Eila (I La) kept giving me hugs. After I loaded the last bag, she said she wanted to hug me goodbye. I said, “But you have hugged me several times!” She said, “Yeah, but you have to have enough hugs for that long drive!”

Great way to start a New Year! Which leads me to leave you with one last thought concerning the New Year:

Consider the word “New”.

Here is a basic dictionary definition for “New”: Recently created; different from one that existed earlier; recently come into existence; being other than the former or old.

Scripture states that God’s Salvation brings a newness to our life. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 

One of the incredible realities about our Sovereign Lord is His willingness and ability to begin New with anyone who desires to engage with Him. This is true with those who have trusted in Christ and those who have not. 

Sadly, some teachers on TV are so sloppy with their words, that they lead many to believe that God loves individuals differently. That is a LIE from Satan! God’s Love is UNCONDITIONAL! He loves the worst sinner and the flawed saint the same. 

Obviously, this is going to take me more than one devo to cover.

Let me just start with this: God’s love and accessibility are two different issues. Humans that have become related to God through blood…the Blood of His Son, do have access to His Throne that not all humans have.

Not because they are better or more righteous.

I know, for I know my own dark heart and I am a terrible sinner! 

When I became humble enough to face the fact that I cannot please God by my own works – Live Perfect – I saw the clear choice God had given to all of us. 

Live in my pride and try to work my way to God, or, Swallow that gross lump of pride in my throat and admit I can only come to Him because of His Love, Grace, and Mercy, which was accomplished by Him sacrificing Himself for me! 

He did that for all of us, yet left the decision up to us. Our works, or His Work.

The so what: If you were to describe your connection to God, is the bridge you have to God based on your works…or His Work? What’s the difference? Do you understand there is a BIG difference between existing with God and living with God? God offers Himself as a friend and Someone that will Love you unconditionally! He will change you, but it will be based on Love, not selfishness. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

It’s all how you look at it!

I remember at 7 years old, I worked at the bowling alley with my two brothers washing bowling pins. We went on a Saturday to a matinee of a brand-new movie starring the Beatles! “A Hard Day’s Night!” After, my friends wanted me to go to the playground with them, but I told them I had to work. They teased me and told me I was going to miss out. I was bummed, but had committed to be a part of the Leigh brothers work team when we got the job.
Mark, Alan, and I had a blast washing and drying the pins while singing Beatle songs. Later that week my friends were bummed as they saw me enjoy the Brötchen (Delicious German role…Hard and crusty on the outside, soft and warm on the inside) and the German sweets I bought from the Bakery right off base with the money I earned from working.

So much of our life is impacted by how we process (think about) what is happening.  

Scripture states that: 

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Romans 12:2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

We should meditate on these Scriptures as we begin our new year. 

God reinforced this to me the other day. I was not in a good mood. I could not find my cane and my RA was in a flare, making it more difficult to walk.

When I found it, I was in a “Bah Humbug” frame of mind. I went into my office, closed my eyes, and complained in my spirit, “Why do I have to have this cane?!” I opened my eyes and I was in the dark...I had not turned the light in my office on. Now I would have to get up out of my chair and go turn on the light! Woah is me! {This is called a pity party.} :) 

Then I realized, if I rolled in my chair to the end of my office mat, I could use my cane to switch the light on! Now I was thankful for my cane!

Oh, the fickleness of my heart! Who can free me from it? My Creator! IF I open my heart to Him, He will give me the proper perspective for whatever circumstances I am in. He is willing to do the same for you.

The So What: How are you viewing the year to come? Are you going to allow your circumstances to control you, or ask God to control you and your circumstances? The best way to experience a new year is if you are a New You! 

Monday, January 15, 2024

The nature of things!

As a kid I did not eat chocolate because it was there… I ate it because I was a chocolate lover! My dad used to be amazed that no matter where he hid it, I would find it! Sometimes I believe my middle name should have been, “Willie Wonka”! 

Spiritually all of us, even those who deny it, are not sinners because they sin. If that were the case, we could work our way completely out of sin. If that were possible then God is a horrible Father, because He allowed His Son to be put to death for something we could take care of ourselves. 

That reality did not exist. Our nature is infected with sin at the moment of conception. That was the result of the rebellion in the garden.

Jesus makes it clear that we commit sin because in our natural state we are enslaved to it, and He came to set us free from that. 

John 8:31–36…34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. 35 “The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. 36 “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. 

What does this freedom mean? It does not mean we will not sin, but now we possess the ability to say no to the old nature in us, which is all we had before we trusted Christ and He created in us a new nature. 

Consider this: If your desires for everything in life are controlled only by a nature that is selfish; 1. How hard will be to resist? 2. How often will you lose? 3. How long will you be motivated to not think of yourself only?

The reality is many have done what is right solely due to peer pressure. Society looked down on it, so individuals refrained or did it in secret.

Christ creates a new nature in us that loves God and His values. Now we have power to fight a selfish nature with a selfless one! If we yield to the Holy Spirit living in us, our new nature will rule our flesh! This is freedom! 

To look at a beautiful woman and just see beauty, not move to lust. To see success in others and to rejoice for them, and not feel jealous or resentful. To be wronged and to only desire to restore the relationship, not commit bodily violence. To see a speeding crazy driver and pray for him to become safe, not to pray for him to meet a police officer or a guard rail! 

I have lived under the control of both natures…ONLY the new nature brought me peace, contentment, and a meaningful sense of purpose.

The So What: Do you desire to control your life in a way that brings authentic joy and contentment? Do you desire to know that your future path has a great ending? That is why the first Christmas happened! Christ desires a relationship with you, right now, as you are. What are you waiting for? What is more important to you than your eternal condition? Need to talk…leave me a message.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Denial by any other name is still denial!

C...Some months ago, I had a PSA test. Due to family history of prostate cancer, I have been diligent in checking the numbers. My number had more than doubled in 6 months! What would you and I think if the doctor decided to keep the results a secret because he did not want to cause me any hurt or pain? You and I both would be looking for a new doctor!

John 8:31–36…They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, ‘You will become free’?”

Talk about missing the point!?

These guys were in so much denial they had amnesia concerning their own history! Conquering’s and enslavement started in 722 BC with the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, next the Medo Persians, then the Greeks, (Alexander was not great to Israel!)  and they were now under the Romans.

More importantly,  Jesus was not referring to physical freedom only, which I will look at in the next Devo.

The anathema of the flesh is, to be honest concerning our failures! I cannot speak for you, but my flesh can use my imagination to come up with some pretty incredible excuses for my behavior. It was bad enough as a kid, but became much worse after marriage!

That is one of the incredible opportunity’s marriage brings! A live-in accountability partner! That accountability will bring encouragement and, if you let it, honesty. Not always easy nor always fun, but one of the most powerful character-building tools God uses.

True Freedom requires genuine honesty. It is a dichotomy, deeply humbling and painful. At the same time freeing and bringing peace.

Christmas season is a great time to allow the Holy Spirit to open up the book of your life and help you find where you are in your journey. He can cut deep, and it can hurt, but like the surgeon, the cutting is to heal and make whole.

The So What: Make time this season to sit with a pad of paper or laptop and write down where you think you are right now in your life. Then ask yourself, where do I want to be in 5 years? Find some friends that you can connect with regularly and keep each other accountable. That is called - Discipleship.