What does it mean to guard your heart?

One of the affections of mine has always been music.
Even though I am not very good at it I became very attached to the guitar.
Before I had a relationship with Christ I would say I almost worshipped my
guitar…nobody was allowed to touch it without my permission, and they would be
required to wash their hands before they played it to get the oil off so they
would not deaden the strings.
Fast forward many years later. Two of the guitars
I own were special, a 1957 Gibson and a 1967 Guild. When we were called to the
Philippines to serve the Lord there, I decided to take the Guild and store the
Gibson. The humidity in the Philippines is tough on wood. This 1967 acoustical
Guild had a plastic bridge, and it began to lift up. I talked with many where
to take it to replace the bridge with a rosewood one. The store that was
recommended had a good reputation. Long story short, after weeks I came to the
store and all the sales people huddled in a corner…clearly afraid to inform me
of something. Finally a small, innocent young woman came to me…I remember as
she stuttered, “SOR…SORR…SORRY sir!” I felt my heart drop to the floor…inside
ANGER was trying to explode…BUT that same heart had now been loved and
cherished by Christ for years! How could I unleash evil on another creation of
God over a “thing?” As her words were leaving her lips…another Voice…the One
that had been endeavoring to mold me into a Christian whispered in my ear, “Nathan
– remember: The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God...Do not
destroy the work of God for the sake of your guitar!” (food) (James 1:20 & Romans 14:20)

She told me that acid had been spilled on the Top
(That’s the front part of the Body that has the Sound Hole) I took a breath,
smiled and said, “So what do we do now?” She began to cry and said “Oh sir,
salamat po!” (Thank you - respectfully)

Life is made up of choices, if we do not prioritize, all
decisions will be treated the same and we will find ourselves in deep regret
because we failed to make the most important decisions properly due to being
lost in the crowd of choices we must make everyday! This Proverb points out
here a priority that needs to exist in our life. So many try to think through
what to do at “the moment” of decision, and that is why they fail.
None of us can plan everything that might happen in life…Life just happens
However, we can focus on the center of where all our decisions are
Heart! The "heart" here is not the one that beats in our chest - it
is the essence of who we are - how we think, what we consider valuable. You can
guard your possessions, you can guard your reputation and position, but if your
heart is flawed you will end up either losing what you guarded or it will
become your master. When you keep your heart safe it protects all that you own,
all that you are and all that you desire to become. I can tell you from so many
experiences that this truth is Truth! Here are just a few like my experience
with my Guitar:

The most exciting disciple I ever had was a man named Jun
Pacudan. He began a relationship with Christ; within 2 months he was developing
his own material to share with small groups. I only found 1 error, and it was
minor. He also began 4 small groups on his own! On the morning I was going to
his place to begin a 5th small group, I received the news he had
died the night before. I was furious with the Lord! If He wanted to take some
people home, I had a list that I would gladly volunteer…but why Jun?
that whisper came: “Let go of your vision Nathan a let God have His! Remember,
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass...If we are
unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24, 2 Timothy 2:13)

What God did after Jun was taken home was unbelievable. I believe 4 very important things happened because Jun went to heaven!

After I cleaned up, I went over to his house. He felt such
hiya, (shame) and I was able to tell him I forgave him. Over the next year I
talked with he and his wife often, and she decided to begin a relationship with
After 22 years in the Philippines I have realized that God did not take me to the Philippines for Filipinos, He took me there to deal with me. As I learn to reflect Him, those around me see it! If you will take the time to examine each and everything that is going on in your life and discern how God is using these things to affect your heart – you will be on the mission field also.
What we do is merely a reflection of what we are. What we are
comes directly from what I believe is where the true mission field is – OUR

That is where God wants to do His work. Not in some country…but
in our hearts. How do we guard our heart? Giving it to God everyday - He never
fails to protect what is His!
The so what? How about you?
Does your heart have a sign that says Under Construction. Or does the sign say:
Closed, Finished, Work stopped due to lack of interest. Let God work on the
Mission Field He desires…your heart!
Thank you Pastor :)
great lesson for all of us !
I love reading your posts....almost like old times in the lounge at WBC :D Are you and Dee Dee about to come to the WBC reunion in Lanham August 19th? Would love to see you both!
Amen po Thnk u Praise to God
Such an amazing wisdom, you're right sir, everything God wants to have is our heart but its also the most difficult thing to manage.
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