Monday, April 17, 2017

Are you making decisions in the Light or in the Dark?

Probing Proverbs: 4:18-19 The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like total darkness.

Scripture expresses the difference between a life close to God, versus, one far from Him in many various ways. Here we see one of the key descriptions used in His Word, “light” versus “darkness.” This is because these two intangible qualities become very tangible when we experience them while trying to navigate a path or a stairwell!

Interestingly I know many individuals that prefer darkness…I am one of them…when it comes to doing many other things in life. I like it pitch black when I sleep, and when I have prayer times or devotions I like it best before dawn, and I use candlelight. In fact, when I Pastored in Roanoke, my office was in an old house, and had a fireplace, during winter I loved having my office completely dark and sitting by the fire either praying or reading. That kind of darkness quiets me and moves me to a frame of mind to commune with my Maker. However, when I am trying to physically travel somewhere I want lots of light so I can see where I am going and able to identify any trouble coming!

Once I was out very deep in the woods on my motorcycle, it was very late at night and quite dark. I ran over a fallen tree branch, which flipped up and broke my headlight. Getting back was very arduous and slow even though I was very familiar with the terrain. I did not relax until I saw lights flickering through the thick trees, showing me that I was almost back into the light.

When we choose to live far from God this Proverb describes it as “total darkness.” When a person walks in that environment they have no idea what they are stumbling over. Being in dark forest can be very dangerous. You might only stumble over a rock or log, but what if just behind it is a large ditch or even a cliff. What was thought to be a small trip becomes a life-threatening fall. If on the other hand you are in a dark forest and you wait to move after that first sunbeam breaks through at dawn, then you can see in front of you. You move slowly, but as the sun comes up the whole forest is illuminated and you can move more quickly but also safely, identifying the stumbling blocks and what's just beyond them.

This is even a greater Truth as we endeavor to travel spiritually through this world. This world is full of darkness and many times it would be wise for us to slow down our decisions or our reactions and wait for the Holy Spirit to illuminate us to what God’s direction would be. When we make decisions in the “darkness” of sin, or even in very high or low emotions, we may find ourselves falling deeper into trouble. 
The spiritual “light” the Holy Spirit brings will expose the stumbling blocks of sin, and will bring a calm to our emotions so that whatever action or decision we make, it can be done in the “light” of God’s Truth! If we choose to remain in darkness – be ready for disaster! Choose to walk with God and because He is Light, you will be in the light. Choose wisely!

The so what? Do you hurry to decisions? Are your actions usually based on emotions of the moment? What would it look like if before you took spiritual steps, you slowed down and waiting for the Spirit of God to give you light? Think of the last 5 decisions you made; were they quick? If so, what was the outcome? Can you remember a time where you allowed God the time to enlighten your path? How did things go? Which question is more important to you: “How quickly can I get down the path of life?” or “Will the end of my path be the best one?”


At April 17, 2017 at 2:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

good thoughts and good reminders...walk in the Light not in the dark

At April 18, 2017 at 9:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder Pastor Nate. :)
Just as Jesus is the Light of the world, so is His Word. This also reminds me of Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path."
It would be difficult to determine whether we are walking in the light or not if we dont know His Word. 'Coz It's all about Him. :)


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