Probing Proverbs: 3:29-32
Don’t plot harm against your
neighbor, for those who live nearby trust you. Don’t pick a fight without
reason, when no one has done you harm. Don’t envy violent people or copy their ways. Such wicked
people are detestable to the LORD, but he offers his friendship to the godly.
As I read this passage I could not help but think of the
countries that I count as my home. The Philippines and the USA. I am a child of
the 60’s
and I remember the anger I saw in the streets, yet in both cases there were two
very focused reasons: a war and inequality concerning races. I also remember
the anger I saw in Manila, yet it also was focused, Martial law. It is clear
that there are times to be angry concerning certain issues, however, that anger
should always be controlled and channeled in a healthy way to create change.
Gandhi and Martin Luther King were both angry, yet that anger presented itself
in nonviolent actions, which proved the motives authentic. Today, from all
sides of the spectrum, I see anger uncontrolled and motivated by hate, greed
and a desire for power. As Children of God we must have wisdom control all of
our emotions, especially the more volatile ones.
This passage deals with two important issues concerning our
First, Wisdom always demands that we check our motives. It is
important that we understand the connection between our motives (intentions)
and the outcome (actions). The two examples used are very helpful to consider.
The idea of “plotting” against your neighbor would lead us to consider that something
your neighbor has done bothers you, or your neighbor has something you want…which
is “envy,” in
either case, your emotions will desire to be reactionary. When you react, which
requires very little thought and no prayer, you will become upset by that and a
seed of evil will take root. Before you know it your plans will be evolving
toward evil against your neighbor. Instead, if you proactively do not allow
wrong thoughts to formulate, your motive toward your neighbor will be for their
best, and their trust will end in the Lord being glorified.
When I was growing up I was involved in debates in school. I
was very good. I learned how to take the opposite position, even if it were not
where I personally stood. I learned the mechanics, but not the reason and
temperance of debating. There is a time to debate and a time not to. Also,
there is always a proper way to debate, which I had not learned. It has
adversely affected the second most important relationship I have in the
universe, my wife. Debating just to debate, and keeping no boundaries is
nothing more than picking a fight! If you walk around looking for a fight, you
will find one. The first part of this passage speaks to our frame of mind,
which is our motive. We need to seek His wisdom to measure our motives, by
doing so we will ensure actions that will edify and glorify.
Then we are exhorted not to envy. “Envy”…
it interesting that green is used to describe envy. How appropriate, a pale
greenish complexion has often described someone sick. Meat that is spoiled and
rancid is green, even Shakespeare called it the "green-eyed monster"
in Othello. Envy exposes a sickness of the soul. Admiration states: “I
like what I see and want to be like that”. Envy states: “I resent what you have
and want to take it from you.” We all can struggle with what we see that
we don’t
have, especially when evil people prosper. Even the Psalmist wrestles with this
in Ps 37 & 73 What we need to remember is how the Lord sees the gain of
those that are violent and wicked. One of the most frightening passages in the
Scriptures deals with this.
Psalm 37:12–13 The wicked plots against the righteous And
gnashes at him with his teeth. The
Lord laughs at him, For He sees his day is coming.
He offers the opposite to those that choose to walk godly
instead of possessing the things we could be tempted to be envious of;
friendship with the King of the universe…including becoming part of His family! As
we learn to be content with our Maker, envy has no power. You decide “I
own lot’s
of stuff!” or “God is my friend!” I know which one I choose! Which one will
The so what? Do you always check why
you are doing what you are doing? If you disagree with someone, do you take it
personal? How do you express your disagreement? How often do you think about
what you don’t have? How much time do you spend thanking God for what you have?
How has not having some of the things you would like to have affected you?
Thanks for the article. I needed to hear this.
God's Word always helps! Thanks for commenting.
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