The real lifeline to reality!
1. Prayer is the POWER!
a. Prayer is the Overt Power
b. Prayer is the Covert Power
c. Prayer is the Invisible Power
d. Prayer is the Unlimited Power
Here are 3 more that need to be consciously thought through in
order to bring Prayer to the forefront of our mind so we learn to go there
2. Prayer is PRACTICAL

It amazes me what people turn to for help, yet miss the reality
of a living God that desires to communicate, connect and help. Every time I
have been stuck or unable to make a decision, I have found that after I spend
some time in prayer, the Lord either reveals the answer to me or opens my mind
to know what to do. Yes, there is faith involved, but not blind faith, for I
have experienced and witnessed the evidence of a living God!

I especially find encouragement from Jonah, his problem was “self
inflicted!” Yet he knew that God is God, full of grace and mercy. How silly
it would be to hold on to your pride and not go to the One Person that can
offer help? David understood this, he had committed some terrible sins and the
Lord decided to chastise him. Yet, he still went to the Lord:

Just because we pray it does not mean we will get what we want…but
if we don’t pray we will miss what the Lord might have done!
"Please say a prayer that my mom can lose 20
pounds. She tried Weight-Watchers
and it didn't help. Now she needs
PRAYER!" (Jennifer--Age 11)
"Please say a prayer for my teacher. She's sick and if you said a prayer she
would get better and come back to school.
Sincerely Susan.
P.S.--The other kids in my class said I should not
write this letter."
"Pastor, please pray for all the airline
pilots. I'm flying to California
tomorrow." (Laurie--in New York--Age 10)
Little girl after her geography test: "Please make
Boston the capital of Vermont."
John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will
receive, and your joy will be complete.
Psalms 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense;
may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
Proverbs 15:8 The LORD detests the sacrifice of the
wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him.
God loves communing with His children. The more you pray the
more easily you learn to enter into praise!
Prayer is for you and the Lord, even if you are petitioning for
someone else. This is when your heart can release to your Creator and
experience renewed hope, while witnessing His mighty hand!
Genesis 25:21 Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his
wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife
Rebekah became pregnant.
Psalms 4:1
Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my
distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
Psalms 6:9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD
accepts my prayer.
Psalms 17:6 I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.
Psalms 42:8 By day the LORD directs his love, at night his
song is with me-- a prayer to the God of my life.
Psalms 88:13 But I cry to you for help, O LORD; in the
morning my prayer comes before you.
F.B. Meyer - "The great tragedy of life is not
unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."
The So What: Can
you make it through a day without prayer? What area of your prayer life is
lacking the most? How honest are you with God when you talk to Him? What does
that show? Is there anything that you are afraid to talk to God about? How
often to you find praise coming from you to God when you talk to Him?
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