Probing Proverbs: 1:24-25 I called you so often, but you
wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. You ignored my
advice and rejected the correction I offered.
Unconditional…that is the word that describes God’s
love. It is true, yet we seem to think it also means “without end!” This section in Proverbs is difficult because it makes a clear point that God
has drawn certain boundaries, and one of them is, at some point, and He does
not say exactly where that is, He will not continue to offer His grace. If we
are honest we know this, because the Scriptures are clear about Judgment Day,
in Rev 20. Each person that has no relationship with God will give an account
of their works to see if they reached perfection. We know the out come.
None of
us can reach perfection, which is why Jesus did it for us and offers that as a
gift. So no matter what pleas or begging there will be on that Day, mercy and
grace are no longer extended. We don’t like to go here in our mind, but the
Scriptures do stress this, although they communicate much more about God’s
love and how wonderful it is, AND that it is offered right now for any that
So as we walk through these difficult passages let’s
endeavor to glean as much as we can from them.
First: I called you so
often, but you wouldn’t
come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention.
Have we ever considered in depth the love, longsuffering and
patience of our God, or do we just count on it and take it for granted? The
Creator of the universe, the most Powerful Person in existence continues to “call” and
to us! Why? Would we keep offering our grace and mercy to ants if we were
trying to save them but they just kept doing their own thing? How long would we
endure their disrespect? Lord, You are an AMAZING God!
Second: You ignored
my advice and rejected the correction I offered.
Heart Check: Have we ignored God’s advice – many will say no, yet if we are honest -
how much time do we spend in His Word? Not studying scripture IS ignoring His
advice. He is not going to whisper it in our ear - He has already written it
down for us - we have the freedom to use it or ignore it. How many times would
His advice have helped me if I had just opened His Book and looked for answers?
Father, help me be honest!
Meditation: How many times do you do what you know displeases
God? What does that say to you? What is the difference between sin and sinful
living? Do you seek answers from God in His Word, or are you demanding He talk
to you? What is the real purpose of the Bible? How often do you visit with God
in His Word?
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