Is God Hiding?

This section of Romans is famous as it challenges us to
consider all of Creation as the evidence of our Creator. Most times we think of
the stars and the earth, but I find verse 19 especially interesting, when read
in the NASB. “God is evident WITHIN them!” If an individual is honest, they need not
look outside themselves to see clear proof of a designer. Just look at your
hand for a while, move it, snap your fingers, consider that you alone have a
unique fingerprint…unlike any of the other 7 billion people on this earth!
how the human eye is made and works; within reading just several pages on this,
you will be dazzled at the design. Everything about our body and how it works
testifies to the reality of a Creator.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 Yet God has made everything beautiful
for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart
I have never met a child that does not believe in “forever.” In
the heart of our thoughts, we know we live beyond our body. I find the
strongest proof of this is the intensity that Atheist show to prove something
they claim they don’t believe in! If someone wanted me to believe that ET planted us
here, I would disagree, but I would not get irate, file a law suit to remove
their statue of ET, much less spend all the time and energy of my life trying
to disprove something I did not believe in.
When an Atheist tells me they do
not believe in God, I listen, if they want to hear my conviction I will share,
but then I move on. I don’t get angry, or demean them, and I won’t
spend time…which is valuable…trying to stop them from believing in what
they want to believe in. I think the fact of eternity existing in their heart,
placed there by God, is something they fear and is why they become so fervent
to disprove it!

They insist on being simpleminded, relish their
mocking, and hate knowledge.
“The so what?” How about you? Are you keeping your
heart open to hear your Creator share His wisdom to you? Are you hiding from
God, while at the same time claiming you cannot see evidence of Him? Remember,
God has made us free to do whatever we want…except escape the consequences! The
consequences can be heavenly or hellish; it’s our choice.
well, i think this is something i really need to be reminded of,
thank you pastor Nathan.
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