Scripture Read: Psalm 4:6-8 Many are saying, "Who will show us any good?" Lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us, O LORD! [7] Thou hast put gladness in my heart, More than when their grain and new wine abound. [8] In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For Thou alone, O LORD, dost make me to dwell in safety.
Application: The peace in this passage has to do with God’s oversight – not man’s circumstances. Many of us feel at peace when we have all that we “need”. We need to remember that “feeling” at peace is not real peace. But what happens to that peace when hard times come? I don’t like difficult times anymore than anyone else. I – like many – can become complacent when times are good and all my physical needs are being met. That can lull me into a false peace. When those difficult times come that is when I get a reality check. It is at that point that the peace that flows from God over rides circumstances. Because I know he watches over me I can have peace no matter what. So when it comes to what decisions I make in life – where I live, what work I do etc., the issue needs to be what God is directing to do, not what do circumstances look like. As a missionary, I have seen many others deal with this when support level is bad. Do I leave the field because of direction or because of concern over support? If God is taking care of me I need to sense His direction and then I will have peace, fully supported or not. This truth needs to penetrate into every facet of our lives. We will always be affected by our circumstances – we are human – but the more we allow the Spirit of God to reveal how we can trust Him no matter the outward circumstances, the less we will deal with the emotional sense of peace when circumstances turn bad. When our sense of peace is founded on what we know about Him the less effect that emotional sense has on us.
Labels: Devotions, Meditation, Walking with Jesus
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