Silence is not always Golden!
Application: This is most likely the most frustrating issues to me about the body of Christ today. Communication is not a priority. Either we are so task oriented we come across as a detective – "Just the facts ma’am" – or we only communicate one side of the matter which makes it either all bad or all good – or we do not communicate at all. Consistently I find in the scriptures a flow of words. Especially when it comes between man and God. Should we not learn the lesson. Could not God have just told Job to shut up and eat the trials? He did not. He chose to begin a dialogue to help Job come to a point of reality. I am amazed with the techniques and manipulations we employ to silence people. The whole issue of prayer is that dialogue helps bring about resolution. I am amazed we can so easily tell someone to go pray about a situation, yet in the same breath try and restrict their need to share and bounce back and forth with another brother or sister their feelings about that situation. We also try to do too much political style damage control to either protect our image or God’s. I don’t see Paul doing this. He is sending someone deliberately to update the situations that were going on and help his family in Christ know what the real scoop is. I realize balance is needed, but I find far to often that the pendulum swings in the direction of people who desire control – not a clear understanding of the truth.
Labels: Devotions, Meditation, Walking with Jesus
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