Thursday, January 20, 2011

To Suffer with Reason

Scripture Read: 1 Peter [12] Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; [13] but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation. [14] If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. [15] By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; [16] but if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed, but in that name let him glorify God. [17] For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? [18] And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE GODLESS MAN AND THE SINNER? [19] Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

Application:  Father, I know, I know very little about suffering. You have sheltered me all my life. Now with RA and the side effects I am beginning to see what suffering is. I pray that I will not shame You in this trial. You know my weaknesses and I am still wrestling with two that I thought would be gone by now. I know that when I suffer due to those I learn less because they are self-inflicted. Please forgive me for my failures. Deliver me from these vices that torment my soul! I know I love You but I sense so much doubt of that because of my sin. But I must believe that Your commitment to me is sure or I will surely quit. I do not want to suffer – but if that is what must happen I so desire it to be from the enemy or from you – not from my failures. I ask you to forgive me for the times I let my flesh control. I want to turn away from that life and follow You with all my heart. I will cling to You and believe Your Word no matter what I feel. Thank You Lord for Your promises, I would be lost without them. I love you God!

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At January 21, 2011 at 1:55 PM , Blogger BILL HUNT said...

147 baptized. Walking with Jesus. Praise God for the sufferings we walk through. In everything give thanks. Our lives are in his hands. Blessings in all the ways he leads you. Thank you, Jesus!


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