EASTER: Is there anything really Impossible?
If we were to make a list of things that were once thought to be impossible it would be very long. Some on that list would be.
Go around the world in a short time.
A ship that can go under water on purpose!
Man can fly, and land on the moon and return.
Talk to almost anyone, anytime and anywhere in the world.
See every country in the world, yet never leave home.
I made my own list:
A Pro Athlete not demand more money.
A teenager live without a phone.
A politician, televangelist, or lawyer tell the truth.
A short-winded preacher.
Nathan Leigh, while awake, be absolutely quiet for 30 minutes!
No other belief system in history claims its founder died and came back to life!
Jesus claims that and did it!
After hearing what happened to Jesus at the cross, a three-year-old boy asked his mother, “Who did it? The Democrats or the Republicans?”
If there was any event that seemed impossible, it would be what took place during this time 2,000 years ago…a man dead 3 days comes back to life!
Once when Jesus was discussing salvation with His disciples, he said this:
Luke 18:25-27 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
Why would Jesus say this about the rich? Are they more evil, more sinful? That is stated a lot today, from Hollywood, TV personalities, and political “movers and shakers”. What I find so amazing is that compared to us average folks…they are the RICH!
What Jesus said is true, but it is not about the money, though money contributes to the problem. The issue is a desire to depend on and have faith in ourselves, not God. God is sinless and sinless perfection is what it takes to live with Him.

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