The issue is…perspective!
Probing Proverbs 14:32 The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die.
Wisdom always brings eternal “Truths” into the light. That is one of the characteristics of the principles of Truth, They are eternal! Past, present, and future…Truth is always Truth. Understand, circumstances can be local and temporal, yet the principle that guides the outcome is either always True or always False. A lie…is a lie, however, circumstances and context can shed light on God’s priorities. God desires and demands sinless perfection, so one “little” lie is enough to make us imperfect, which separates us from a Holy God. Now the gods created by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans…all humans, will separate and punish man for this. God, the True God, still separates from sin…but not all men…just One Man. The God-man Jesus Christ! God, Himself in the flesh, offered Himself as the payment for all mankind. (“God so love the world”) This Truth has impacted two potential eternities, and it is vital that we see the proper perspective when digesting a Proverb like this.
Many of us have seen how some of the evilest individuals live in wealth and outward peace their whole life, while many others that desire to live righteously suffer much. However, that is just the temporal perspective of this life physically on earth, which is “spit in the wind” compared to the time clock of eternity! We need to put our long-term glasses on! Just yesterday I was jumping off a swing in a large playground located on a military base in Frankfurt, Germany…that was 1964! A lifetime to me, but nothing compared to living from now till the year 50,000 AD and beyond!
Seeking to live only for “here & now” will be a disaster, that will bring a regret that lasts forever! Living from the eternal perspective will deliver you from the fear of the end of this short physical existence and guarantee you an eternal oasis with the Living God!
However, He has left that decision in your hands! He did all that is required to give you the right to live with Him there…
but refuses to force you.
Do not be deceived by the limited vision of the beauty, wonder, enjoyment…blah, blah of this temporal world. It is beautiful, full of wonder, and can be enjoyed…but only for a short time.
By 12 years old a zit is the end of all things! By 25 life is “movin and groovin”; by 40 “the best is yet to come” by 50 what may come out is a tooth! Then the “Golden years” begin to morph into the iron years! Emotionally and mentally it all can get better and should, but no matter how much Botox, lifts, tucks, implants, “plastic” whatever, or even the natural way – healthy eating, exercise, meditation, etc., our body will break down and cease to function.

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