Attitude is the Heart of the matter!

Probing Proverbs 14:29-30 People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness. A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.
Inward attitudes can affect more than our emotions, it can impact how we feel physically! Most of us could easily comprehend the connection between a person with understanding controlling his anger, and a hot temper exposing foolishness, however, many will disconnect with how emotions can cause physical changes in us!
This can be a very costly mistake! Parsing (separating) the emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of our life, treating them as though they do not relate to each other, is very unwise and not living in reality. How we relate to this world involves our total being. You say, “Okay Nate, I agree with you, emotionally and intellectually…but physically?
Yes, and as much as this pains me, I can testify of how differently I have been treated as I moved from a “skinny as a rail” guy, to a “trying to be thick weight lifting” guy, to an overweight fat guy. And even though I have climbed back on my bike and hoping to get back to swimming, sometimes I feel hopeless. Some folks have made fun of me about my weight, and I have seen others ridiculed about their height. When I re-affirmed that my inner man needs to be my priority, my Joy was back, and now I am more focused on also taking care of my total health!
God created a Tri-part human being in the garden! We make a mistake endeavoring to define ourselves through only one of those aspects, be it intellectual, with many diplomas and degrees, or physically, by working on our body, through body building, plastic surgery, tummy tucks, liposuction, or makeup. I remember how many folks encouraged me to get a toupee as my hair migrated from my head to my feet. I refused because I love Bilbo Baggins and wanted to have feet like him!
Only a God as great as the real God could and would create a creature that is so complicated that every aspect of their existence is interconnected to each other. Emotional health is reflected in our physical well-being unless an actual disease has taken hold.
Sickness is real and not the individual’s fault, but in my 60+ years of living I have encountered many individuals that have no apparent cause, yet they are hampered by an unexplained health problem. In a short span of time, it becomes very clear that the foul, obnoxious and covetous spirit in them is mirrored in their constant complaining concerning their physical health.
The So What: Sadly, I can say: Been there, Done that! I am past it now and would encourage you to focus on the inner man, your spirit, because no matter what you feel like physically, the REAL you is your source of joy, not the body that continues to age and break down.
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