Perfection can only be given – never earned

Application: The issue here is so great – Your standards have never changed Lord – the Law remains the explanation of perfect righteousness – it is what only a person with sin could live. This is where so many miss it, the Law expresses what your righteous standards are but not how to attain them. The Word is clear – the way to attain that righteousness is not possible through our flesh – if we try to attain it that way we must go all the way – which in the end will condemn us because the Law declares that if we cannot keep the whole Law we are guilty of breaking it all – Why? Because the issue of the Law is not a list of “dos & don’ts” it is PERFECTION. So even if we miss it by the smallest margin the point is – We Missed It! The Word teaches us that we attain that perfect stand through Christ – He alone fulfilled the Law and applies Hid perfection to us when we humble ourselves, admit we cannot accomplish this by our works, and trust in His sacrifice on the cross as the payment for our sin. We still “work out” the practical living of our salvation through the sweat of yielding to His Spirit and seeing the righteousness of His law produced in us as we travel this life till we get home to Him. Father – more and more we desire this in our inner man. We want to experience the thrill of enjoying Your righteousness produced in us. Jesus – we do want to be like You – we need to be like You! Help us Lord – Holy Spirit fill us today with You! Control us we pray!
Labels: Devotions, Meditation, Walking with Jesus
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