Baptism at Singles Retreat - 147 Baptized!!!

*******************Baptism at Singles Retreat 147 Baptized!!! ***********************

* Sharing times in the Word and looking for growth. Let's Commune Together!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Consider – God is our brother!

Scripture Read: Hebrews 2:11 For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers

Application: We would not want to call an insect our brethren – yet I think we have more in common with an insect than You do with us Lord. You are indescribable God! Our mind makes You small, by trying to figure You all out and place You in the box we have made for You. If we are honest when we read Your Word we can see that we really don’t get it. Lord we want to live as close to You as we can yet our flesh seems to get in the way. In spite of that though we should celebrate that the God of all gods calls us brothers! Our life should be lifted by that thought. Joy should over flow at this truth! Please empower us to press on in our desire to be close to You. We desire to have such a close relationship with You that even when the enemy tries He cannot use us to shame You!

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