Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dependent Living

Scripture Read: 1 Peter 2:[18] Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. 

Application: God does not allow for circumstantial living. This is one of those verses that proves that. The servants here are to be the same no matter what their masters are like. I struggle with this truth – yet must embrace it. I cannot only be gracious to the good driver, but also to the bad driver. I cannot shepherd only those that appreciate me, but also those that do not. This really moves one’s life to the area of dependent living. My flesh finds no problem – even pleasure in being kind and loving to those that are the same. But it is contrary to my flesh to remain constant when the circumstance changes. When I am forced to deal with arrogance, selfishness, thoughtlessness, etc. I want to react in a negative way. Only by clinging to Christ will I overcome the flesh and remain constant in a Godly manner. Help me Lord to embrace this truth and reap the fruit of it!!

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