Fasting…a great Path to Prayer
I was asked to write a blog for the week of Fasting at CCF Manila. I thought I would share it with you:
Two eminent psychiatrists, one 40 years old, the other
70, occupied offices in the same building. At the end of a long day, they rode down in the elevator
together. The younger man appeared
completely done in, and he noted that his senior was still quite fresh. "I
don't understand," said the younger, "how you can listen to patients
from morning to night and still look so happy and alert? "The older
psychiatrist shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Who listens?"

The pressures of this world causes so many to worry and be
gripped by fear, that is what anxiety is! This is why it is so important that
we understand what prayer is for: Paul gives us a clear admonition concerning
our struggle with Anxiety.
Philippians 4:6–7 Be anxious for nothing, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
[A] First, we must understand what prayer is for! This passage is

Prayer is not an easy way of getting what we want but the only
way of becoming what God wants us to be.

To be Anxious means
to be divided or distracted.
When we are anxious
it exposes several problems we are experiencing with our Faith.
We don’t believe God is Sovereign, really in control.
We fear God is mean, not wanting us to have our desires.
We fail to believe that Rom 8:28 is true.
Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work
together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his
purpose for them.
* All means ALL! Even when we cannot see it we should Trust

As you Fast consider
the words used in this passage:
* Prayer is not a
monologue, but dialogue. As you pray and read God’s Word He will commune with
* Supplication is
bringing your urgent needs, like a child to their Father. Fasting helps you
focus with God on how important these issues are.
* Thanksgiving, not
only for what God is going to do, but for the situation that brought you to
this! This kind of humility is very attractive to God and He honors that.
Fasting empowers you to become master over the old nature. Controlling any
appetite builds a healthy discipline in your life. The more you commune with
God the stronger you become.

In closing a true
story: When I Pastored in Virginia a very good friend of mine was a Chaplain
and was on the front lines of the war with Iraq. My secretary had a nephew that
was a solder on the same front, but was not a child of God. We brought both men
before the Church for fervent prayer, both were named Charles, and we told God
that we believed He would do a powerful work of protection. Several weeks later
during a time of testimony my secretary tearfully stood up to share. She held
in her hand a letter, written by her nephew Charles as he described being in a
fierce firefight and found himself sharing a foxhole with an Army Chaplain name
Charles! In that foxhole he committed his life to Christ! Both returned home
safe, one entered the family of God in a way that only a miraculous God could
perform it!
The So What? What
is your attitude toward your problems? What if God does not give you the
solution you desire? If you have gained any new understanding about prayer
today, what is it?
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