Probing Proverbs 13:5-6 The godly hate lies; the wicked
cause shame and disgrace. Godliness guards the path of the blameless, but the
evil are misled by sin.
One of the most precious realities that comes from reading the “truths”
found in Proverbs is that so much in our lives is based on a “sowing
& reaping” principle. Whether we realize it or not, that gives us so much
power over how our life is experienced.
Consider this passage: comparing what the “godly”
sows and reaps, versus what the “wicked” sow and reap. Please remember, when the
Scriptures use the terms, “godly” and “wicked” they are referring to the intent of our
heart and actions. No one is truly “godly” in light of God’s perfection. We are all
sinners, equally guilty and deserving punishment, that is why Salvation can
only come by God’s grace and received by faith.
However, when a person has
entered into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, a new nature is
created in that individual that desires to please God. Perfection is never
reached, we still fail and the battle between the flesh (old nature) and the
spirit (new nature) will continue until we meet God. Still, a godly intent
exists and our “sowing” can now be after God’s heart. On the other hand, an individual
outside the life of God only has the fallen nature to drive their intentions
and actions.
It is important that we understand that “godly”
communicates a desire to follow God, where as “wicked” does not mean everyone is a Hitler,
instead it is communicating a desire to follow self! The point is that a desire
to be like God, will reap godly intentions. A desire to run my own life (Be
God) and focus on me will reap only what a “fallen” world can bring…ruin!
Notice, when you desire to follow God you “hate”
lies. It does not say “liars,” for godliness also produces love for the unlovable. What is
hated is the product of lying, a deception of what Truth is and darkness
instead of Light! When your life is about you and what you want, what you reap
will be shame and disgrace…don’t allow your thoughts to only cover the “here
and now.”
There are a lot of people that the world admired while they were on this side
of eternity, sadly Scripture is clear that all that have refused to live with
many have demanded that God change for them…at the time of judgment who they were in
reality will be shown. The shame of their sin will be exposed –
everything will be brought out into the light. I know if I had that as my
future it would bring me great fear. I, like anyone else, have a fallen nature
and I am capable of being as wicked as any, by God’s grace my sins have
been washed away by the sacrifice of Christ. I will not have to reap a horrible
eternity ONLY because of Christ.
Lastly, those that sow godliness, that same desire guards their
path, giving them warnings when they begin to step off that path. Those that
sow to self, they will believe the false promises of sin which will lead them
to eternal regret.
No one has to reap an eternity of regret, if they will only humble
themselves and go to God His way! Believing in Who He is, and how to
begin a relationship with him. If you try to remake God in your image, you will
reap regret.
The so what? What
is your bottom line desire in life? Is it about you or God? When you have served
only yourself what have the results been? Which do you believe is true; God
needs people to serve Him and honor Him, or, God is perfect, needs nothing, His
involvement in our lives is based upon His love for us and His desire to make
our experience of life…including eternity…abundant. Remember, true abundance
begins within a person, not the stuff they possess. Your answer will enlighten
your view of Who God is.
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