Probing Proverbs: 3:1-2 My child, never
forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. 2 If you
do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying.
We are told to “store God’s commands in our heart.”
What does that mean, and why is this so important? The mind God gave us is a very
remarkable tool. It is amazing all the information it can hold. Most of us can
remember things that happened or were said to us when we were very little. I am
60 years old now, yet can remember things when I was 3. With this tool comes
great responsibility and opportunity!
We have the privilege, and hopefully the
wisdom, to deliberately engraft the Scriptures into our mind (heart) so that
the Truth God desires us to know is just a thought away! We are being
encouraged by this Proverb to keep at the front of our memory the commands of
our Lord. Why is this important? It is true that our mind can hold so much
information, but we should not deceive ourselves into thinking that we can keep
all that information at the forefront of our thinking. We can only respond to
so many thoughts at one time, no matter how good of a multi-tasker we are. When
we select what will possess our thoughts, this is what I call “conscious
Many today just drift through life allowing whatever noise surrounds them to
fill their thoughts. The world’s message is communicated everywhere; ads,
radio, TV, movies, music – wherever we turn it’s
message is before us. However, if we have “stored” up the teachings of Scripture in our mind
and choose to meditate on them through the day, God’s message will
overwhelm the message the world is trying to sell us.
The key is to make sure
that our thoughts are immersed in His Word; this will counter the effect the
message has on our mind. How? The wonderful reality of the Word of God is that
it filters lies from Truth. As you meditate on the Scriptures, they will give
you God’s
perspective on everything in your life. When you hear what the world calls “truth,” you
will have The Truth to shed the proper light and see things from your Creator’s
point of view. Try this, grab a verse each morning to chew on all day – it
will make a difference!
The so what? What
information are you feeding your brain? Are you making sure that the things of
God are dominating your thoughts? When was the last time you engrafted a verse
into your life?
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