Proverbs 2:8–10 He
guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the
right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge
will fill you with joy.
In our desire to properly teach salvation by grace alone –
which is correct – we sometimes behave as though all that God does is only by His
grace. That is not true. The Lord extends grace to all - common grace like
life, weather, etc. and Saving grace - which requires a response of faith on
our part. However, He does not bless, protect, and watch over, etc. all based
solely on His grace. As this Proverb states, much of God's protection, guidance, and
other blessings are given in response to our direct trust in Him.
He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are
faithful to him.
If we do not trust, He may leave us to the natural outcome that
our lack of trust brings. God seeks teamwork with us. God is more focused on growing us to be mature adults in our faith then He is giving us what we want. So much of what we
want is temporal, He is seeking to produce eternal fruit! Obviously, we humans,
and I am one also, desire immediate deliverance from pain, suffering and
trouble. Yet God, Who knows all, understands that if He serves us as our personal genie,
what will be produced, is a weak faith, spiritual spoiled brat.
God intends to
have us become courageous, spiritual adults that trust Him above everything,
which frees us from fear and allows us to walk boldly through the troubles all experience
in this world, knowing that at the other side of the trial, is our Almighty, All Powerful, All
Loving Dad at the end of the Path. Excited and anticipating our entrance into
His home! When we are faithful to Him the fruit He promises is we will be given
protection and guidance - it is a partnership!
The rest of this Proverb should be challenged:
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,
and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and
knowledge will fill you with joy.
Not because it is wrong – but by challenging it we unlock our
understanding of how this Truth works. How does wisdom in the heart lead to
knowledge that will fill us with joy? It’s not good enough to read this and say “Amen!” yet
walk away not getting it! When we seek wisdom, and God grants it, He will because He
promises to, His wisdom will take all the “data” (knowledge) we have and show us how to
use it.
All the knowledge of Who God is, now becomes applied truth. His promises
for deliverance, His mercy, His unfailing love, are no longer just platitudes.
Now we see Him, we know Him, we experience Him! That in turn fills us with joy!
As wisdom opens your knowledge to application in life, the joy of being in a
relationship with Almighty God fills you. Happiness comes and goes with
circumstances, but joy is founded in Him. He never changes!
“The so what?”
Do you understand that God has given us great freedom to access His grace, but
much of it will not be forced on us? Do you cooperate with God’s
desire to extend grace to you? Are you seeking “happiness” or “joy?” Do you understand the difference?
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