How to stay Off the Rollercoaster of Emotions!

Notice, I said when we are “close” to God. Having Joy does depend on us. What
will keep the joy of God in us? The answer is very simple –
Remember, we saw in our last Devo from Hebrews, that Jesus
could endure the terrible circumstance of the cross, because He saw the goal of
pleasing the Father, and that reality filled Him with Joy!
In the garden Jesus wrestled within Himself the circumstance He
was about to endure…notice though His conclusion:

Jesus obeyed His Father and yielded to His will. The Lord
exhorted us to do the same and promised that we would experience the peace the
foundation of Joy brings!
John 15:9–11 “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also
loved you; abide in My love. “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My
love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. “These things I have spoken to you so
that My joy may be in you, and that
your joy may be made full.
This passage answers the obvious question that we all have once
we realize the Key to possessing Joy is obedience…how can we stay obedient? Sorry to be
redundant… “Simple!” Abide in Christ. Don’t make that complicated, it’s
not. Abiding is nothing more than spending time with Jesus. Yes, it can be
difficult due to the desires of the flesh, but it is never complicated.
Connectivity to Jesus is one prayer away!
Many believe it is disobedience, however, I would like to “tweak”
that answer because the tragic fact is that we live in a flesh that is fallen,
craves sin and will fight to have it’s way! So if every time we sin we lose our
joy, our life will be the same as someone that lives based on happiness…an
ongoing rollercoaster! I have found the real issue is - unconfessed sin! We
will blow it, face it, yet, we can run straight to the Lord in confession,
agreeing with Him that we blew it and then turning from it. If, on the other
hand, we remain in pride or shame, refusing to humbly go to the Lord, the
foundation of Joy will begin to become fragile, until at some point the
circumstances will become so heavy that we will cave in to emotions and climb
back into the rollercoaster of emotions!
The best way I can end this is with a real example that just
happened. Just yesterday my eldest son called me with some very bad news. While
returning with his family from a vacation, 200 miles from his home, the family
van they had just bought 6 months ago, threw a rod, the engine is gone. In the
midst of a heart breaking circumstance, the only vehicle that will fit his
family of 8, an expense they had worked for, now lost, and some very difficult
choices to make…he spent his time on the phone sharing how he thanked God for
allowing them to reach where their cell phone worked before the engine blew,
that he has such good friends from the spiritual community they have, two
different cars are coming out to get them! He is sad but not destroyed and he
saw what really mattered, the safety of his family! I felt very convicted
because I complained last week about the air conditioner in my car not working!
Meditation: How highs are your highs and how lows are your
lows? What should control those emotions? What do circumstances do to your
understanding of God? How do circumstances impact your view of God’s
love for you? In what ways this week could you make sure you are abiding with
Tan, P. L. (1996). Encyclopedia of 7700
illustrations : A treasury of illustrations, anecdotes, facts and quotations
for pastors, teachers and Christian workers. Garland TX: Bible
Thank you.
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