Thursday, June 9, 2011

When freedom is really bondage.

Scripture Read: 1 Cor 8:12 And so, by sinning against the brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ.

Application: Years ago I taught against legalism, by teaching what the scriptures state about our  liberty. I hate legalism because it chokes growth, judges people based on externals and leads believers to a religion, not a relationship. Today I continue to teach on liberty, but for a different reason. The church has swung too far in the other direction. Our liberty has become our right and we don’t care what damage it does to others. I still hate legalism and always will, but we in the Body of Christ must not use our liberty as license to sin or destroy our weaker brothers. This is the stewardship of liberty that God has put on us – but because we have decided that we have the right – many in the Church ignore this verse today. For many they turn their liberty into a bondage – we have to have our right no matter the cost to anyone else – including Christ. We say to ourselves - if what I am doing causes my brother a problem – that is his problem. Is that the lesson of Christ? Is His example one of selfish intent? How tragic that we can trade the fruit of eternal love for our temporal rights. Yes, we should resist giving in to the Pharisee that wants to bring our freedom under his control. But we should not forget that all of our liberties are a stewardship. They are not our rights but our responsibility. We need to weigh all the cost and issues that come into play. Just because I can do something does not mean God wants me to. It all depends on what God is trying to achieve in our life at the time. We should rejoice in our liberties and enjoy them, but we should never destroy believers that may not have the same faith to do what we do. God help us to love our brethren more than what we want!
* Meditation Questions: When you don’t get to do what you want to do, how does that affect you? What does that say? If you know a freedom you have would hurt an immature believer will that change whether or not if you do it? Have you taken every liberty you have to the Lord and seek His blessing?

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