Baptism at Singles Retreat - 147 Baptized!!!

*******************Baptism at Singles Retreat 147 Baptized!!! ***********************

* Sharing times in the Word and looking for growth. Let's Commune Together!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting inside

Scripture Read: Heb 9:8-9 The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer tabernacle is still standing, 9 which is a symbol for the present time. Accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in conscience,

Application: Notice – the outward cannot really satisfy the inward. All the offerings done by men could only clean the outside of the cup. This really is true – no matter how many works we do and outward disciplines we live – in the end my conscience is the issue. That is at the core in our walk with You. Even though we may have seen a tremendous victory dealing with a habitual sin – my conscience is still under attack due to memory, or desires that try to take us back. No matter how well we control the outside – if we do not see Your work inside our conscience remains unsatisfied. Hopefully, we do sense the clear conscience of eternity, but we desire to also sense that inside now Lord. This can be so frustrating! Even when we are being disciplined and not yielding to sin, if our “want to” has not changed our conscience will sense that inside and the outcome will be frustration. Surely – if we could find how to allow You to empower us to not only change our habits, but change our “want to” when it comes to that habit – then our conscience would also find satisfaction. Lord please help us to give this to You. We really want the life we know we can live – the lazy flesh one is so easy but not satisfying at all. Lord fill us with Your power!! 
* Meditation Questions: When I see a habitual sin broken in my life, what do I replace it with? Do I have someone in my life that gets to look at my insides? Am I honest with God when I really don’t want to change something in my life? What does that show? What difference will that make?

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